Bill Ackman outlines MIT plagiarism probe, defends wife from allegations

On Thursday, Business Insider reported that Ackman’s wife Neri Oxman plagiarized in her doctoral dissertation. Oxman, a former MIT professor, acknowledged omitting quotation marks and apologized in a post on X, and added that she will check the citations and "request that MIT make any necessary corrections."

After Ackman announced the plagiarism probe of MIT’s leadership and faculty on Friday, the outlet published a follow-up piece that accused Oxman of plagiarizing portions of her dissertation and other papers, including passages from Wikipedia and other scholarly and technical writings.

Ackman is getting a taste of his own medicine

He wanted to go after students and faculty over anti genocide protests against Israel.

The recent attacks on the Harvard leadership by right wing groups to remove harvard president over one sentence in her 400 page thesis which is claimed to be plagiarised because it is similar to something else trigger this witch hunt.

In the end his own wife has many sections of thesis that ia cut and paste from elsewhere without reference.

Whole thing boomerang to hit him back.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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