Former Titan sub passenger, communication was lost 'every single time'

Mike Reiss said there were communication issues on all four dives he took in OceanGate's Titan.

"I took four different dives with the company, one to the Titanic and three off of New York City, and communication was lost, at least briefly, every single time," Reiss told CNN on Tuesday. "It just seems baked into the system. I don't blame the submarine as much as I blame deep water, but you would always lose it and come back."

In WW2, submarines have to surface to communicate. It is hard to believe modern day subs can overcome this completely against nature. There is so much history and technology since wars and modern day improvements and this company can trump all of these with 4 dives?

It's too late.

Actually the mother ship can communicate with submerged submarines at very very low frequencies. No need for the submarine to surface itself.

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