Black people prevented from fleeing?

There are shocking videos that are currently circulating on the Internet: Black people who want to flee the war in Ukraine are kept away from the rescue trains by Ukrainian police officers and are not allowed to board - just because of their looks. Under the #AfricansinUkraine, the Ukrainian authorities are accused of racism, as are the authorities in neighboring countries such as Poland. 

Are black people being specifically prevented from fleeing? According to the United Nations (UN), more than 500,000 Ukrainians have already fled the country since the Russian attack . Most of the neighboring countries were helpful and announced that they would take in the Ukrainian refugees. Among them is Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has attracted attention in the past for his vehement rejection of a common EU refugee policy.

"Can neither deny nor confirm reports"

In a BBC article , Nigerian students say they were told by police officers at the Polish border that they would not bother with Africans. The police also beat the students. Only Ukrainians are allowed on the trains bound for Poland, the police officers told them. 

Indian students also report similar incidents on social media. Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari then tweeted that race or passport should not make a difference in the treatment of refugees."We can neither confirm nor deny the reports," a spokesman for the UN refugee organization UNHCR told . When asked, the German Caritas Association also replied that they could not verify the allegations. "We haven't heard anything from our local partners." The same applies to Amnesty International.
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