Low sulfur fuel oil flow rate

Low sulfur fuel oil flow rate

 Meta AI: The flow rate of low sulfur fuel oil (LSFO) depends on various factors such as:

1. Viscosity: LSFO has a lower viscosity than high sulfur fuel oil, which affects its flow rate.
2. Temperature: Fuel oil flow rate increases with temperature.
3. Pressure: Higher pressure leads to a higher flow rate.
4. Pipe size and material: Pipe diameter, length, and material affect flow rate.
5. Pump performance: The efficiency and capacity of the pump used to transport the fuel oil impact the flow rate.

Typical flow rates for LSFO are:

- 100-400 liters per minute (LPM) for small-scale applications
- 500-2,000 LPM for medium-scale applications
- 3,000-6,000 LPM for large-scale applications

Keep in mind that these are approximate values and can vary depending on the specific context. Consult relevant engineering standards and experts for precise calculations and designs.

And what is this thread for??

Any expert here can help to tell me how tribal wave help a low flow rate able to spread to so many beaches?

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