Bloomberg: Can India Overtake China as World's Growth Engine? It Could Happen by 2028

India will NEVER even come close to China let alone overtake it - end of.

Only mofo CECAs like Oyk would believe bullcrap like that.

(10-04-2024, 09:26 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  There are even younger pop countries, that does not ensure all will be successful

If India can do what China did, building own product and services etc then they have a chance
but do you think other countries will allow India to duplicate what China has done.
US, Jap , Ger all want to build their own chips , no one say they will import India chip
Then what is India chance of exporting its own plane? car?
Pharm they are consider big player but low margin and needs to improve quality.
If India cannot even have its own  ERP, word processing, social media then rest will be even more
Mind that India have more people to feed when developed countries already face pension protests.
It is not 1990s 2000s 

So India need at least 20 years of peaceful and find workable development plan.

China's growth and journey toward modernisation, as I said earlier, was fuelled by low-cost manufacturing and tourism, the latter being extremely lucrative since it cost very little to let peepur enter the Forbidden City, amongst many other scenic places, to take some wefies and KLKK (walk here walk there) but the ticket sales brought in plenty. India cannot compete with China on tourism,

The Chinese miracle is overrated as was the Singaporean miracle. China learned from Singapore, at least in its early days after opening up. Both countries were poor, and both found factory jobs for their people making low-valued-added things.  There's really nothing we did which other countries including India cannot do.  There's no miracle. It was the rest of the world that made both of us better off by giving us jobs, that's all.

As I said, China's competitive advantage is no longer as a factory of the world for the production of cheap consumer goods.  When China opened up, wages there were like US1 per day.  PS:  No typo error here.  Every country rushed in for that....which company wouldn't want such dirt-cheap workers.  Now?  If you pay the Chinese that today, you'd get a middle finger from them.  They'd tell you to go and get fug.

India would be the next destination.  If you compare what Chinese FWs....I wrote FWs, not FTs......are earning in Singapore (about $2000 a month excluding overtime) and what Indian FWs earn (about $700 excluding overtime), you'd know which country is the next low-cost factory, and why even Chinese companies are setting up shop in India, for the same reason as why Singaporean food companies relocated to Malaysia.

Your argument that the US, Japan, Germany also want to make chips applies to China as well.  You think they are happy and willing to let Taiwan (a Province of China) be a leader in making chips?  No man.  If they could do it cheaply, they would swallow that as well.  

You mentioned ERP which for a short period of my life, I had thought you'd meant our know the Electronic Road Pricing which made wealthy car owners very dulan with PAP....then I reclaimed my life and thought, ah! you must be referring to Enterprise Resource Planning.  Eew.  You are still using terms that once were popular in the 90s,  I'd assume that you are a retiree who has left the job market for a long time by nao..and time has stood still for you.  We are nao in the age of generative AI.  If Death is the equalizer in Death, then Gen AI is the equalizer in Life.  It's because of A1, a more atas term which is set to replace the term IT which replaced the term Computer Science, that enabled China to (arguably) overtake the US in some ways, notably in the development of 6G technology.   In this area, I would not underestimate the Indians.

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

[Image: IMG-20240411-080359.jpg]

Aiya talked about so much useless stuff. Just look at the 气派,can match or not?

(10-04-2024, 09:40 PM)goodboy Wrote:  If india eventually becomes top rival of usa, you can be sure the same fate that befell USSR/Russia, Japan and China will happen to India.

When usa is at the top, there can be no other superpower. Usa will make sure of that

The US used to have the advantage of a superior military.  It still conventional warfare. But if push comes to shove, there are countries which will be forced to say "I am not prepared to be slaughtered and wiped out by conventional weapons, and I will bring you along with me..." and nuclear weapons will be used.

So the US can only try to fix China with a trade war, and instigate other countries...and if possible apply pressure on isolate China.  Ringfencing China for war will only force China to bring its nuclear weapons out, and the first ICBM will be headed for Washington.

Nao India.  India as the growth engine.  The term is growth engine and as I wrote earlier, the article didn't say India will overtake China to become World GDP No 2 in 4 years.

There is nothing wrong for the US to want to retain its position as the world's biggest economy, the whatever whatever.  We  are also trying to keep Changi Airport in the top spot right.  Nothing wrong with that.

So by all means, if the US wants to make sure of that, as you wrote, they have to make sure they can do that lorh.  China is set to overtake the US.  China has every right to aim for the top spot too, and it has the right to make sure that it remains at the top.   And it's not mutually exclusive that if China is at the top, India cannot be the growth engine.  The US was/is at the top, and China was the growth engine for decades right?

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love
[+] 1 user Likes Oyk's post

(10-04-2024, 10:55 PM)aiptasia Wrote:  What the fug are you babbling about, you bloody CCB CECA?

Write fugging grandmother stories and LYING like a typical pukimak CECA.  


I take it that you are unable to substantiate your "caveat", were just boosheeting earlier, and discharging hot air,  and have to resort to taking cover by screaming cecarrrr!  cecarrr!  mommyyyy! with a somewhat faulty soprano voice. Rotfl

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(10-04-2024, 01:06 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  However the gap between the two Asians economies is massive. India's economy is currently worth nearly $3.5 trillion, making it the world's fifth largest. China's economy, the world's second largest, is bigger by almost $15 trillion. Even if China’s growth slows down with 3.5% and India’s growth accelerates to 9%, India won’t be able to catch up with China for the next 50 years let alone 4 years, Angmoh are full BS without using brains.😂

The next China is still China la

If you look at Indian habits, they are not spender type and eat buy all craps like Chinese.


I don't know why some peepur likes to post pictures, as if they are asking me to amuse them with some.

Whatdoyouthink of the below picture?  Love

[Image: eca86bd9dcd8168ec7ec07.jpg]

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

can obviously can

with their holier than thou caste system

they can even take over the entire world

ceca number 1

[Image: IMG-20240411-WA0002.jpg]

[+] 2 users Like Omnipresent88's post

(10-04-2024, 01:13 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Such predictions are based on what they can see now but things may change.

AMTK propaganda lah!

Not what they can see but what they can imagine lah, just like yr predictions

The usual Jewish Bloomberg lies.

(11-04-2024, 10:41 AM)Oyk Wrote:  [Image: eca86bd9dcd8168ec7ec07.jpg]

Wah why you like to show yr family photo? Wife, son and grandon?
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink!'s post

(11-04-2024, 10:38 AM)Oyk Wrote:  I take it that you are unable to substantiate your "caveat", were just boosheeting earlier, and discharging hot air,  and have to resort to taking cover by screaming cecarrrr!  cecarrr!  mommyyyy! with a somewhat faulty soprano voice. Rotfl

So says the fugging CECA bullshitter who showed his fake 80 year old hand.


(11-04-2024, 06:23 PM)aiptasia Wrote:  So says the fugging CECA bullshitter who showed his fake 80 year old hand.


[Image: IMG-20221107-WA0007.jpg]

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(11-04-2024, 07:51 AM)Oyk Wrote:  China's growth and journey toward modernisation, as I said earlier, was fuelled by low-cost manufacturing and tourism, the latter being extremely lucrative since it cost very little to let peepur enter the Forbidden City, amongst many other scenic places, to take some wefies and KLKK (walk here walk there) but the ticket sales brought in plenty.  India cannot compete with China on tourism,

The Chinese miracle is overrated as was the Singaporean miracle. China learned from Singapore, at least in its early days after opening up.  Both countries were poor, and both found factory jobs for their people making low-valued-added things.  There's really nothing we did which other countries including India cannot do.  There's no miracle.  It was the rest of the world that made both of us better off by giving us jobs, that's all. 

As I said, China's competitive advantage is no longer as a factory of the world for the production of cheap consumer goods.  When China opened up, wages there were like US1 per day.  PS:  No typo error here.  Every country rushed in for that....which company wouldn't want such dirt-cheap workers.  Now?  If you pay the Chinese that today, you'd get a middle finger from them.  They'd tell you to go and get fug.

India would be the next destination.  If you compare what Chinese FWs....I wrote FWs, not FTs......are earning in Singapore (about $2000 a month excluding overtime) and what Indian FWs earn (about $700 excluding overtime), you'd know which country is the next low-cost factory, and why even Chinese companies are setting up shop in India, for the same reason as why Singaporean food companies relocated to Malaysia.

Your argument that the US, Japan, Germany also want to make chips applies to China as well.  You think they are happy and willing to let Taiwan (a Province of China) be a leader in making chips?  No man.  If they could do it cheaply, they would swallow that as well.  

You mentioned ERP which for a short period of my life, I had thought you'd meant our know the Electronic Road Pricing which made wealthy car owners very dulan with PAP....then I reclaimed my life and thought, ah! you must be referring to Enterprise Resource Planning.  Eew.  You are still using terms that once were popular in the 90s,  I'd assume that you are a retiree who has left the job market for a long time by nao..and time has stood still for you.  We are nao in the age of generative AI.  If Death is the equalizer in Death, then Gen AI is the equalizer in Life.  It's because of A1, a more atas term which is set to replace the term IT which replaced the term Computer Science, that enabled China to (arguably) overtake the US in some ways, notably in the development of 6G technology.   In this area, I would not underestimate the Indians.

Cn road to surpass Jp in size 2010 may be due to more low cost manufacturer 
but then many of the current giants already appeared. Baidu, HW, Ali, Wps etc 
and since then is more of moving higher end products and service more evident,
now dwarfing Jp economy by 4 times. 

Along my education route I was taught by some Indians nationals, I always respect them.
And I comment India as a nation, they will need do a lot more is logical, not make up and  
to raise standard for bigger pop is definitely more difficult, this is not even a question. 

Also my view India must know what best for them, 
is similar John Mearsheimer
[+] 1 user Likes watchfirst9's post

(11-04-2024, 06:23 PM)aiptasia Wrote:  So says the fugging CECA bullshitter who showed his fake 80 year old hand.


Yelping cecarr over and over shan't get you off the hook. We are still waiting for your erm...caveat  Tongue

Or you can also bow out and concede defeat.  Big Grin

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(11-04-2024, 08:26 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  Cn road to surpass Jp in size 2010 may be due to more low cost manufacturer 
but then many of the current giants already appeared. Baidu, HW, Ali, Wps etc 
and since then is more of moving higher end products and service more evident,
now dwarfing Jp economy by 4 times. 

Along my education route I was taught by some Indians nationals, I always respect them.
And I comment India as a nation, they will need do a lot more is logical, not make up and  
to raise standard for bigger pop is definitely more difficult, this is not even a question. 

Also my view India must know what best for them, 
is similar John Mearsheimer

The problem of a big population you mentioned for India is something which China had been through already, and there can be lessons which India can learn. 

Having said that, India's population is now slightly bigger than China's but we need to also break the demographic down by age groups. When we do that, things shant look goot for Tiongkok lorh.

You see, China's 1.4 b peepur are older, less energetic and less likely to spend. The last one is why the Chinese government failed in its effort to raise its GDP by stimulating consumption. There might be some home grown companies which are pretty big. Country Gardens is also big, and big in debt which already qualified it as not a going concern for the foreseeable future.

If you do a SWOT for both countries, China is facing more W and T than it has S and especially O. Singapore was in the same economic predicament which China is in now but we moved quickly to sunrise industries and producing higher value-added goods and services. 

Above all and very importantly, our low TFR was a disguised blessing. It enabled us to replace our population by recruiting the best young minds from everywhere in the world. Had we made our own babies, we might have ended up with a high proportion of losers who can't make it to become a doctor, IT professional, banker and can only do low skilled work which are going to be few and far between with AI powered automation and the use of robotics. 

FTs may not join me in doing a Kallang Roar and clapping for Joseph Schooling but they enable my country to exist. Without FTs, we can still live. Who says a man with one arm and one leg missing cannot live? Cannn.  Laughing

Our young FT population is what India has on a larger scale.

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(11-04-2024, 11:56 AM)Omnipresent88 Wrote:  [Image: IMG-20240411-WA0002.jpg]

haha, a picture is better than a thousand words.
these people can only talk and talk only, nothing more.😀
no chance at all.👎
but can tcss lah.


(12-04-2024, 12:04 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Yelping cecarr over and over shan't get you off the hook. We are still waiting for your erm...caveat  Tongue

Or you can also bow out and concede defeat.  Big Grin

Pukimak can go back and eat your cow dung.  Show us your 80 year old hand again LOL!

(12-04-2024, 12:30 PM)Oyk Wrote:  The problem of a big population you mentioned for India ia something which China had been through already, and there can be lessons which India can learn. 

Having said that, India's population is now slightly bigger than China's but we need to also break the demographic down by age groups. When we do that, things shant look goot for Tiongkok lorh.

You see, China's 1.4 b peepur are older, less energetic and less likely to spend. The last one is why the Chinese government failed in its effort to raise its GDP by stimulating consumption. There might be some home grown companies which are pretty big. Country Gardens is also big, and big in debt which already qualified it as not a going concern for the foreseeable future.

If you do a SWOT for both countries, China is facing more W and T than it has S and especially O. Singapore was in the same economic predicament which China is in now but we moved quickly to sunrise industries and  producing higher value-added goods and services. 

Above all and very importantly, our low TFR was a disguised blessing. It enabled us to replace our population by recruiting the best young minds from everywhere in the world. Had we made our own babies, we might have ended up with a high proportion of losers who can't make it to become a doctor, IT professional, banker and can only do low skilled work which are going to be few and far between with AI powered automation and the use of robotics. 

FTs may not join me in doing a Kallang Roar and clapping for Joseph Schooling but they enable my country to exist. Without FTs, we can still live. Who says a man with one arm and one leg missing cannot live? Cannn.  Laughing

Our young FT population is what India has on a larger scale.

Next, the LYING CECA pukimak like you will tell us you went across India speaking to everyone and thus validates your bullshite postings.

Once an indian fanboy forever an indian fanboy, won't change one lah

(12-04-2024, 02:30 PM)aiptasia Wrote:  Pukimak can go back and eat your cow dung.  Show us your 80 year old hand again LOL!

Nice photoshop job. Come! Oyk claps for you! Big Grin Rotfl Clapping

Observer = KILLjoy = starbugstk = Dan = lvlrsSTI = OWNER.
Trying so hard to find my Archilles Point wor. Hehe Love

(12-04-2024, 02:42 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Nice photoshop job. Come! Oyk claps for you! Big Grin Rotfl Clapping

Oyk the CECA pukimak doing his daily round of LIES again.

(12-04-2024, 02:40 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Once an indian fanboy forever an indian fanboy, won't change one lah

Oyk is a CECA pundek - what do you expect?

(12-04-2024, 02:47 PM)aiptasia Wrote:  Oyk is a CECA pundek - what do you expect?

He's a loser wat, can't expect too much from him lah. His only joy in life is to provoke people into arguing with him. Cannot debate logically so he just need to lie and talk about people's mother hahaha.. 

Friend, no need to respond to him. He's not worthy of a response  Laughing

Ignore List: Oyk

(12-04-2024, 02:52 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  He's a loser wat, can't expect too much from him lah. His only joy in life is to provoke people into arguing with him. Cannot debate logically so he just need to lie and talk about people's mother hahaha.. 

Friend, no need to respond to him. He's not worthy of a respond  Laughing

Lying is second nature to CECAs and Oyk is no different.

I just use his postings and my responses to him as a form of entertainment  Big Grin

(12-04-2024, 02:54 PM)aiptasia Wrote:  Lying is second nature to CECAs and Oyk is no different.

I just use his postings and my responses to him as a form of entertainment  Big Grin

He'll be happy if you respond to him cos he's a boliao old man.

Just do it like me, ignore him. Now he's so pissed off that he has to resort to copying my avatar, just like a typical coward and loser hahahaha

Ignore List: Oyk

(12-04-2024, 02:58 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  He'll be happy if you respond to him cos he's a boliao old man.

Just do it like me, ignore him. Now he's so pissed off that he has to resort to copying my avatar, just like a typical coward and loser hahahaha

Copying avatars and posting bullshite lies daily - what a pathetic piece of cow dung Oyk is.

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