Inventor Of MRNA Technology: Fully Vaccinated Are COVID ‘Super-Spreaders’

Inventor Of MRNA Technology: Fully Vaccinated Are COVID ‘Super-Spreaders’

On the latest episode of “The Hidden Gateway” podcast, host Justin Williams spoke to Dr. Robert Malone, an internationally recognized medical doctor and scientist who assisted with inventing mRNA vaccines.[/font]
The wide-ranging discussion covered:
  • The invention and early testing of mRNA technology, in which Malone was heavily involved.
  • How governments are employing different forms of coercion to drive vaccine uptake, policies Malone said he believes are illegal.
  • How public health authorities lack  the normally required safety and efficacy information for a global vaccination campaign.
  • How governments and public health authorities are lying to the public “for their own good.”
Malone referenced two instances where citizens are being “enticed” to take what he refers to as the “experimental” vaccine.
“There was a period where West Virginia was trying to get people to get vaccinated,” Malone said. “And so they had a shotgun lottery. And in Canada, there was a policy of offering free ice cream to children to get them to take the jab even without their parents’ approval. So those are just two particularly clear examples of unfair coercion … It’s not actually legal.”
Malone likened what’s going on today with COVID vaccines to the illegal medical experiments conducted by Nazi Germany. “[During the Second World War], Jews and other ethnic groups were subjected to horrible experimental medical research,” Malone said. “And they justified it by saying it was for the common good.”
Malone said the Western World “agreed we weren’t going to do that anymore. Yet, from time to time we seem to forget, and of course, Tuskegee is one example, and frankly, this is another example.”
In an attempt to clear up misinformation coming from the medical establishment, Malone said fully vaccinated individuals can spread COVID. “The idea that if you have a workplace where everybody’s vaccinated, you’re not going to have virus spread is totally false. A total lie,” Malone said.
The vaccinated are actually the “super-spreaders” that everyone was told about in the beginning of the pandemic, Malone argued.
He said:
[i]“If you consider the scientific fact that vaccinated people have less symptoms than the unvaccinated, but can still easily spread disease, consider your fellow vaccinated worker, whose unvaccinated son brought the disease home and gave it to him … He might not have any symptoms … but he’ll definitely be producing the virus. And he’s going to say, hey, I can go to work today. But he’s going to be spreading the virus like crazy.”[/i]
Malone also touched on the idea of “the noble lie:”
[i]“If the government isn’t going to disclose to you what the [vaccine] risks are, and they’re not going to disclose to you what’s really going on because they think that you can’t handle the news … this is called the noble lie.”[/i]
Malone denounced the “noble lie” as “paternalistic authoritarianism.” He said the idea of governance-by-lying goes back to Plato and Ancient Greek philosophy which argues that it’s “okay for politicians and people in authority positions to lie to the general public because they have special knowledge and ability to understand things … and the general public can’t cope with that level of information. And so it’s okay to lie to them.”
[i]“I really disagree with this line of thinking,” Malone said. “Yet it has been public policy in the United States and worldwide in public health for a very long time.”[/i]
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Doctor Says Physicians Are Being “Hunted” For Speaking Out by Press & Medical Boards

Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines, says he was branded a “terrorist” by the media in Italy and warns that physicians who speak out are being “hunted via medical boards and the press.”

“I am going to speak bluntly,” tweeted Malone. “Physicians who speak out are being actively hunted via medical boards and the press. They are trying to deligitimize and pick us off one by one. This is not a conspiracy theory – this is a fact. Please wake up. This is happening globally.”

“I was labeled as a ‘terrorist’ in the Italian press when I was in Rome for the International COVID Summit. My crime? Advocating for early treatment of COVID-19 disease. I suggest that merits a bit of meditation,” he added.

I am going to speak bluntly. Physicians who speak out are being actively hunted via medical boards and the press. They are trying to deligitimize and pick us off one by one. This is not a conspiracy theory – this is a fact. Please wake up. This is happening globally.

— Robert W Malone, MD (@RWMaloneMD) October 7, 2021

Malone is one of many doctors who have been completely persecuted merely for discussing issues relating to COVID treatments and vaccine side-effects.

He has faced fierce opposition for his assertion that children shouldn’t be given COVID-19 vaccines and has also consistently highlighted concerns over links to myocarditis risk.

The amazing thing about this focus on the myocarditis is that it is not the only major adverse event associated with these Spike genetic vaccines. We already know about the clotting issues. Never discussed is the viral reactivation adverse events. And there are many others.

— Robert W Malone, MD (@RWMaloneMD) October 7, 2021

Those concerns are now being justified by Finland, Denmark and Sweden halting the Moderna jab for for younger males after reports of cardiovascular side effects.

Despite such concerns being regularly voiced by doctors, the Federation of State Medical Boards announced back in July that it would consider pulling medical licenses of doctors who traffic in “misinformation” about COVID.

In another stunning development, Malone’s IP address was blocked by the New England Journal of Medicine so he couldn’t read studies on their website.

The doctor said he was aware of how to get around the IP block, but called the move a “petty act.”

This is fascinating.
I am apparently no longer allowed to read the New England Journal of Medicine.
They have blocked my internet protocol address.

— Robert W Malone, MD (@RWMaloneMD) October 7, 2021




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Foo Mee Har is my sister in law - FACT

(15-10-2021, 02:45 PM)wendychan Wrote:  WHERE IS THE link?

I din provide the link becos
someone is watching this site
everytime I provide a link
the website will soon be 'unavalable'
I want to be able to go back and read the info

just copy the headline and see if it comes out in a google search

(15-10-2021, 02:45 PM)wendychan Wrote:  WHERE IS THE link?

Check the blood cells look at them with different magnifications.
If u see holes white ur hemoglobins are gone.
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It is more like the vaccine is selfish. The person is slightly protected however he or she can spread the virus rapidly.

Is he a reliable expert?

chances baby got chances to teo too. so many will avoid giving birth. birth rate will drop to 5k only this and next year?

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