Book intro :the body language of liars

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Perspiration on the face may also indicate deception. Sweat will
often break out on the forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, and upper lip. In
the photo of John Edwards, you can see the visible breakout of
perspiration on his face as he puts on a happy face for his mug shot.
Facial sweat is the result of the body generating heat, which also
accounts for the concurrent redness and blushing. In the body’s
attempt to cool down, sweat is released through the pores of the body
and the face.

But since the upper lip muscles usually tense up during deception, it
is not uncommon to see beads of sweat actually accumulating in this
area. This is often a clear giveaway that the person is lying. While we
all noticed Clinton’s angry finger-pointing, few were able to get close
enough to see that he was also sweating profusely as he spoke. If you
look closely at this photo, you can actually see little beads of
perspiration and shininess over his upper lip.
President Clinton was not the only one who sweated it out as he
lied. Even when Armstrong wasn’t out riding his bike, he was still doing
a lot of sweating during his interviews. As early as 2006, in his interview forOutside the Lines, the perspiration beads over
his upper lip were clearly visible throughout the entirety of the
interview as he blatantly lied about not taking performance-enhancing drugs

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arapaho foe

No wonder that 细菌平 always got a poker face. Dare not show he lie.
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