Boon Lay kids transform their community through art

Goh Tze Yi

SINGAPORE - Every Wednesday at 7pm, a group of between 20 and 30 children, sometimes more, gather in a first-floor shop unit at 176 Boon Lay Drive.


This space belongs to arts non-profit company 3Pumpkins' Tak Takut Kids Club. From 3pm to 8pm daily, except for Sundays and Mondays, the club is open to the community.

Its founder Lin Shiyun, 39, says: "Any child can come in and out of this space. We don't have strict membership as we want to lower entry barriers, especially for those who do not meet typical social service requirements but need social support."


Ms Lin, a creative arts producer, decided to start the club in July 2019 after a year of community engagement at a playground in the area, which has many rental flats. She felt from her interactions with children at the playground that they needed a permanent space of their own they could always visit.

Today, she runs the club alongside three full-time staff and 10 volunteers. It has involved some 100 children aged between seven and 17. On a daily basis, about 40 children move in and out of the space.


Fund raising and arts-based development are integrated at the club. Ms Lin explains that the children are not treated as beneficiaries, but that they should be aware of the costs of running the space, feel motivated to support it, and be empowered to do something for it.

She believes that arts-based activities inspire the children at the club to discover themselves and their community, while at the same time giving back to it.

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