Booster Shots: The two new vaccines, ARCT-154 and ARCT-165 will be tested together

Some current messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccines have lower effectiveness in protecting against symptomatic disease when it comes to targeting certain variants. Prof Low said a booster jab may be needed for these vaccines in future as the virus will continue to circulate.

Prof Low, the unit's deputy clinical and scientific director, told The Straits Times: "The two new vaccines, ARCT-154 and ARCT-165 will be tested together with the original ARCT-021 vaccine, where we will compare all three vaccines against one another for their safety and antibody protection."

The ARCT-021 vaccine, which was previously known as the Lunar-Cov19 vaccine, is still undergoing phase two of its clinical trials, which began earlier this year. It was co-developed by Duke-NUS and Arcturus Therapeutics, and targets the original or wild-type Sars-CoV-2 virus.

TH has stakes in these coys?

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One only has to bear the consequences that one makes  Big Grin

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