Brazil: After Anvisa approval, SP begins to vaccinate children with Sinovac/CoronaVac

The state of São Paulo vaccinated the first child against covid-19 with CoronaVac this Thursday (20/1), hours after the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) unanimously approved the emergency use of the immunizer in children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years (not immunocompromised).

Little Caetano de Jesus Martins Moreira, nine years old, was the first Brazilian child to receive the immunizing agent produced by the Butantan Institute, in partnership with the Chinese laboratory Sinovac. “I even got the flu shot recently. It's just a bite”, said the boy, in a symbolic event held at a state school in the capital of São Paulo.

“It is yet another historic moment in defense of science and life, this beginning of vaccination with CoronaVac, the Butantan vaccine, for children aged between six and 11 years”, said Doria. “I want to greet and thank Anvisa for its stance in defense of life, existence and the right of Brazilians to opt for the vaccine for their protection and that of their children,” he added.

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