British PM Liz Truss, Sunak,.... Now who can save Great Britain?

He's indian origin, wife from indian billionaire families, his family interest will be part of British, pity British are stupider than anyone else in Europe, their policy was shaped by russian and Russian billionaires easily


英国议员,人均大聪明  Rotfl

[Image: 44P6wdOS6BoU2hM9JM3ZjYQwNOENsuR19AnA7sjO...s843-nd-v1]

In Sign Of Desperation For Rishi Sunak, Tory MPs Rush For "Lifeboats"

With an unusually large number of Tory MPs expected to quit, the prospect of swapping seats has become a key talking point.

Some Conservative lawmakers are plotting to abandon their constituents in order to secure safer seats at the next UK general election in anticipation of heavy losses for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's party.

Tory Members of Parliament have in recent days been informing their local associations and party headquarters whether they intend to stand again at the next election, which is due before January 2025. With an unusually large number of Tory MPs expected to quit, the prospect of swapping seats has become a key talking point, even more so than in recent years, according to MPs and officials familiar with those conversations.

The regular process of boundary adjustments that will come into force at the next election adds another motive, and at times a justification, for some MPs to swap. The changes this time are brutal for some Tories, compounded by the dire state of the polls, meaning that even some relatively safe seats are now under threat.

The scramble by individual MPs to save their jobs has been a controversial feature of British politics for decades, and it becomes especially pronounced when MPs start to think they are looking at the dying days of a government.

英國百萬人罷工潮停不了,移英港人反對罷工被批雙標!|法媒:英國爆發前所未有的社會運動,交通停頓英國人為回家而戰!|上任50天,辛偉誠步卓慧思後塵?【屈機觀察 EP52】

100,000 UK nurses strike for pay raise. So poor that they had to take patients' food  crying
[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab facing five more bullying complaints

The justice secretary, who was reappointed by Rishi Sunak, was already facing three complaints against him. An investigation by a senior lawyer is now looking into all eight allegations.

Dominic Raab under the spotlight: What has led to the deputy prime minister being investigated

As Dominic Raab faces an investigation into a number of bullying complaints, Sky looks at the allegations levelled at the deputy prime minister, and what he has had to say about them.

Multiple MoJ sources also said he had previously created a "culture of fear" in the department, alleging he was "demeaning rather than demanding" with civil servants, and that he was "very rude and aggressive", adding: "[He] wasn't just unprofessional, he was a bully."

(16-12-2022, 03:35 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  100,000 UK nurses strike for pay raise. So poor that they had to take patients' food  crying

Can eat don't waste lah! Big Grin

【專家解讀】通脹高企 薪酬爭議未決 罷工潮席捲英國 會對英國造成怎樣影響?英國大舉力推“愛丁堡改革”能否讓經濟脫困?|新聞今日談|20221217


接連不斷的罷工 短短幾月政權幾度易主 動盪不安的英國該如何破局?|大新聞大歷史 20221218

【完整版下集20221225】"不滿之冬"罷工潮 耶誕節前後英國陷入癱瘓 TVBS文茜的世界財經周報 20221225 X 富蘭克林‧國民的基金


20230105C 英國經濟衰到貼地,在G7各國中墊屍底!BNO新移民恐面臨「兩頭蝕」!




Rising energy costs, worker shortages strain UK agriculture sector

The United Kingdom is on the brink of a food supply crisis, as its farmers face soaring energy costs and manpower shortages. The price of producing everything from eggs to meat has already gone up sharply, and with the agriculture sector under significant pressure, there are calls for urgent help from the government.

maybe LHL can save them with his million dollar ministers.

(27-01-2023, 11:47 AM)8ighty8 Wrote:  maybe LHL can save them with his million dollar ministers.

Please lah - UK gov cannot even save their own people from cold, hunger, sickness and death..
[+] 1 user Likes Manthink's post

You hardly hear the word charity in india, their billionaire buit palace in the middle of slum, it is just not part of their culture
The need of wanting to feel superior than others
Sunak is from billionaire family, you can see he's so unnatural talking to the poor, is on youtube
They love to show off, everything they said, was superfake
[+] 1 user Likes's post

Rishi Sunak fires Conservative Party chairman Nadhim Zahawi


Senior Labour lawmaker Bridget Phillipson told Sky News that the scandal exposed Sunak as a “weak” leader.


Sunak himself has also been scrutinized over the tax arrangements of his wife Akshata Murty, the daughter of an Indian billionaire. Last year, Sunak and Murty appeared on the Sunday Times Rich List of the UK’s 250 wealthiest people – the newspaper estimated their joint net worth at £730 million ($826 million).

Last year it emerged that Murty had enjoyed “non-domicile” status in the UK that meant she could legally avoid paying UK taxes on her foreign earnings from her family’s Infosys business group.

Last week he apologized for receiving his second police fine, for failing to wear a seatbelt while riding in a car. While he was chancellor Sunak was fined by police with Johnson for attending lockdown-breaking parties held on UK government premises. ....

Put Germany and the United States on the fire,



(31-01-2023, 10:18 AM)cityhantam Wrote:


Actually it is good for world peace 

Reminds the cabinet what their job is ALL about 

Instead of flying to Ukraine to play soldier
[+] 1 user Likes Odessy's post


(14-02-2023, 12:09 AM)alanis Wrote:  

天天硬事2949期——01 英国BBC节目《战舰:使命之旅》披露在南海如何逼退中国攻击型潜艇,大英帝国只能聊段子了 02 西方高管开始陆续前往中国希望谋求发展,韩国称中国经济复苏能带动韩国经济发展

The Warship Tour of Duty S01E01

UK Supermarkets Ration Supplies, Students Consider Dropping Out | Vantage with Palki Sharma

UK’s Economy: Broken Beyond Repair???

A large-scale labor strike began in the UK, the largest in 10 years, as 5 trade unions (unions of schoolteachers, train and bus drivers, security guards, university lecturers, and civil servants) announced a strike to protest low wages and demand a raise in their salaries in light of the energy crisis, inflation & a wave in high prices.


天天硬事3017期——01 阿根廷外长当面通知英外相取消协议,重启马岛主权谈判,大英帝国还能打得起一场战争么 02 日媒称9成退役军队高官回到大陆卖情报,蔡英文执政七年尚未对军队有真正控制权

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