Buy Bitcoin now! Safe haven! Gold will crash!

All fiat currencies will crash too!

It's all planned
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Still waiting for bottom?

Bro ROA said will test 32k…how? go up or go down?
[+] 1 user Likes pervertosan's post

You are crazy..Putin will unload his massive btc holdings and crash it.

(01-03-2022, 08:58 AM)pervertosan Wrote:  Bro ROA said will test 32k…how? go up or go down?

It may go below 30,000 if Putin has no choice but unload his BTC holdings.

Gold is tranding upwards, going to reach its peak

(01-03-2022, 08:58 AM)pervertosan Wrote:  Bro ROA said will test 32k…how? go up or go down?
Should go up to 53k plus at least

But if the war escalate, BTC will soar even higher and on the contrary, Gold will likely crash back to 1800

Gold will only rise as a knee jerk reaction when bad news just occur but will not sustain the rise, when everyone sells the news but BTC is a store of value much preferred than Gold
[+] 1 user Likes Sentinel's post

(01-03-2022, 09:04 AM)*天哥* Wrote:  It may go below 30,000 if Putin has no choice but unload his BTC holdings.
Putin has 1,000 plus tons of Gold

He will sell some and buy BTC

(01-03-2022, 09:06 AM)Stoki Wrote:  Gold is tranding upwards, going to reach its peak
At most 2,100 and no more

(01-03-2022, 09:08 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  Putin is 1,000 plus tons of Gold

He will sell some and buy BTC

You dunno Russia cryto mines mined tons of BTC last 4 years arh ?

(01-03-2022, 09:08 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  At most 2,100 and no more

This part I agree...but it will not crash.

(01-03-2022, 09:10 AM)*天哥* Wrote:  You dunno Russia cryto mines mined tons of BTC last 4 years arh ?

Yes, but it is a fact thàt for this halving cycle, miners are not selling but hoarding

And Putin has a hoard of Gold that can buffer him from any sanctions and sanctions is not new to him 

Whether he has a big stash of BTC or not is anybody's guess

(01-03-2022, 09:11 AM)*天哥* Wrote:  This part I agree...but it will not crash.

Gold's long term stable price is 1,400, so once it peaks, its only way is down as more switch out to get into crypto as the real safe haven

(01-03-2022, 09:18 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  Gold's long term stable price is 1,400, so once it peaks, its only way is down as more switch out to get into crypto as the real safe haven

This part I agree.
[+] 1 user Likes *天哥*'s post

(01-03-2022, 09:16 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  Yes, but it is a fact thàt for this halving cycle, miners are not selling but hoarding

And Putin has a hoard of Gold that can buffer him from any sanctions and sanctions is not new to him 

Whether he has a big stash of BTC or not is anybody's guess

Obviously they have huge store :
[+] 2 users Like *天哥*'s post

(01-03-2022, 09:21 AM)*天哥* Wrote:  Obviously they have huge store :

At present, no one single entity has the ability to crash bitcoin price as it has grown too big

The only way that btc price will crash is if its blockchain is hacked or if quantum computing is matured but even for that, btc core can just seek a consensus to amend its code to be  quantum resistant or another Covid scale occurence like in Mar 2020
[+] 1 user Likes Sentinel's post

(01-03-2022, 09:34 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  At present, no one single entity has the ability to crash bitcoin price as it has grown too big

The only way that btc price will crash is if its blockchain is hacked or if quantum computing is matured but even for that, btc core can just seek a consensus to amend its code to be  quantum resistant or another Covid scale occurence like in Mar 2020

Do not forget. Russia is not using really trained soldiers..the current ones attacking Ukraine are all inexperienced boys and obsolete weapons. You got watch news and observe boh ? Once u forced Putin over the wall, he will unload his BTC. Just watch.

(01-03-2022, 08:58 AM)pervertosan Wrote:  Bro ROA said will test 32k…how? go up or go down?

It will drop below $32,000.

(01-03-2022, 09:03 AM)*天哥* Wrote:  You are crazy..Putin will unload his massive btc holdings and crash it.

He will be arrested.

(01-03-2022, 01:34 PM)dynamite Wrote:  He will be arrested.

Well, lets see he will unload his cryto first before kena arrest or not... my take is he will within these few days. He just waiting for the idiots to push the price up first.

Moscow held 7% of world's cryto and USA 5% only.

Both will not crash the market if they held, but will crash if one of them unload everything. Just like stock market.

(01-03-2022, 01:44 PM)*天哥* Wrote:  Both will not crash the market if they held, but will crash if one of them unload everything. Just like stock market.

Now that major Russian banks are kicked out of swift. Crypto is a way to bypass swift. Why would Russia want crypto to crash?
[+] 1 user Likes winbig's post

(01-03-2022, 01:46 PM)winbig Wrote:  Now that major Russian banks are kicked out of swift. Crypto is a way to bypass swift. Why would Russia want crypto to crash?

They need to sell to convert into cash or to the whales. As they sell, they will crash it to below $32,000 as market is flooded with the volume.

Get it now ?

You see BTC can drop $10,000 just merely by a single whale unloading or taking profits so many times in the past, let alone when u have one of the 3 biggest whale doing that.


Russia can cyber attack on btc
[+] 1 user Likes mikotan's post

(01-03-2022, 01:52 PM)mikotan Wrote:  Russia can cyber attack on btc

Correct. They may do that after unloading everything.

(01-03-2022, 01:41 PM)*天哥* Wrote:  Well, lets see he will unload his cryto first before kena arrest or not... my take is he will within these few days. He just waiting for the idiots to push the price up first.

Very imaginative, but no, will not happen

(01-03-2022, 01:52 PM)mikotan Wrote:  Russia can cyber attack on btc
Like how?

There is no such a thing as "cyber attack on btc".

It is a blockchain and for the last 13 years of its existence, no entity is able to hack it. The blockchain is practically unhackable

(01-03-2022, 01:50 PM)*天哥* Wrote:  You see BTC can drop $10,000 just merely by a single whale unloading or taking profits so many times in the past, let alone when u have one of the 3 biggest whale doing that.

Show us concrete evidence of one whale unloading that had caused a 10k swing in price in the past

You can't because it never happened, not even Mt Gox stash unloading

The various swings of 5k to 10k only happened in this cycle because prior to this cycle, btc was only at near 20k ath and it took 2 to 3 years for it to bottom at 3.8k

From 20k to 69k is just during this cycle and the big swings are due to leverage futures getting liquidated, causing a cascading drop in prices due to leveraged longs getting squeezed


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