Why the world should get rid of Putin.

His recent threat talking about nuclear weapons is very concerning.

For many years the west let its guard down and allowed Russia to make billions selling oil and gas and minerals. Putin used the money to benefit a small circle of oligarchs and friends. He also spend a disproportionate amount on arms, cyber operations undermining elections in other countries.

Within Russia he runs a Klepticracy and use police state tactics to suppress the people. The 100 Oligarchs control 30% of the country's wealth. Opposition members are murdered and jailed quite often. He put the entire judicial system under his control removing all check and balance in the country.

Needless to say with 6000 nuclear warheads. The danger to the world is high.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 3 users Like sgbuffett's post

We need Putin to change the world order
[+] 1 user Likes Dan's post

(07-03-2022, 01:40 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  His recent threat talking about nuclear weapons is very concerning.

For many years the west let its guard down and allowed Russia to make billions selling oil and gas and minerals. Putin used the money to benefit a small circle of oligarchs and friends. He also spend a disproportionate amount on arms, cyber operations undermining elections in other countries.

Within Russia he runs a Klepticracy and use police state tactics to suppress the people. The 100 Oligarchs control 30% of the country's wealth. Opposition members are murdered and jailed quite often. He put the entire judicial system under his control removing all check and balance in the country.

Needless to say with 6000 nuclear warheads. The danger to the world is high.

The world should get rid of those US companies selling weapons.
[+] 2 users Like winbig's post

Why not endure for 10 more years instead of taking active action?

(07-03-2022, 01:44 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Why not endure for 10 more years instead of taking active action?

Because if he get more isolated and older and there is no check and balance in Russian system ....we are waiting for trouble.

Just q few weeks ago nobody believe Biden saying Putin plans invasion....it seems so unlikely and irrational ...

But he did it....

Can we assume we are safe.?

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 2 users Like sgbuffett's post

Sgbuffett has no respect for the people of Russia to choose their own president?

Sgbutt can override the choice of Russian people and change president of his choice?


That is trely amazing!  Rotfl

(07-03-2022, 01:49 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Can we assume we are safe.?

Can we assume we will not be bombed by NATO until like Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc?

(07-03-2022, 01:49 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Because if he get more isolated and older and there is no check and balance in Russian system ....we are waiting for trouble.

Just q few weeks ago nobody believe Biden saying Putin plans invasion....it seems so unlikely and irrational ...

But he did it....

Can we assume we are safe.?

Nothing can be assumed. But it's better that we don't provoke him for 10 years. That one confirmed will be trouble.

(07-03-2022, 01:40 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  His recent threat talking about nuclear weapons is very concerning.

For many years the west let its guard down and allowed Russia to make billions selling oil and gas and minerals. Putin used the money to benefit a small circle of oligarchs and friends. He also spend a disproportionate amount on arms, cyber operations undermining elections in other countries.

Within Russia he runs a Klepticracy and use police state tactics to suppress the people. The 100 Oligarchs control 30% of the country's wealth. Opposition members are murdered and jailed quite often. He put the entire judicial system under his control removing all check and balance in the country.

Needless to say with 6000 nuclear warheads. The danger to the world is high.

I have a different take. Despite countless warning from Russia, Zelensky crossed the red line? 

I would say Zelensky is more reckless, whereas Putin was acting on his warnings. 

Its like this. I keep telling you that I will punch you in the face if you come near to me. But you still came near to me. I punched you in the face. Dont say I didnt warn you.
[+] 1 user Likes simpleman's post

(07-03-2022, 02:04 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Sgbuffett has no respect for the people of Russia to choose their own president?

Sgbutt can override the choice of Russian people and change president of his choice?


That is trely amazing!  Rotfl

He only believes in Western media report…

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"
[+] 1 user Likes RiseofAsia's post

Its the same in Nature.

Many animals have bright colours to warn others. Rattle snake will make rattling noise to warn. The cobra will flex its hood to warn its about to strike. A bear will stand on 2 legs.

If you are reckless, you stir the hornet nest and you got bitten, are you completely blame free?
[+] 2 users Like simpleman's post

Blessings for asia! Big bro now focussed in euro...otherwise, hilly billy cowboy will keep pointing his gun against china...once fighting starts, asia must b weeping..millions .taiwanese refugees will flood this region including this little island.

Of course taiwan is obliterated from world map.

(07-03-2022, 02:30 PM)simpleman Wrote:  Its the same in Nature.

Many animals have bright colours to warn others. Rattle snake will make rattling noise to warn. The cobra will flex its hood to warn its about to strike. A bear will stand on 2 legs.

If you are reckless, you stir the hornet nest and you got bitten, are you completely blame free?

Very good observation.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

almost all of relentsky's ministers have US /uk citizenship ...n extremely corrupted, already sold n beholden to uncle dam

no point lah. you get rid of him, there're a lot more waiting to take over.

(07-03-2022, 01:40 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  His recent threat talking about nuclear weapons is very concerning.

For many years the west let its guard down and allowed Russia to make billions selling oil and gas and minerals. Putin used the money to benefit a small circle of oligarchs and friends. He also spend a disproportionate amount on arms, cyber operations undermining elections in other countries.

Within Russia he runs a Klepticracy and use police state tactics to suppress the people. The 100 Oligarchs control 30% of the country's wealth. Opposition members are murdered and jailed quite often. He put the entire judicial system under his control removing all check and balance in the country.

Needless to say with 6000 nuclear warheads. The danger to the world is high.

U shutup and stay neutral. See how things is going.

This move is to shake the world order. U keep talking abt walking own road. Putin is doing.... and may not be sophiscated but is the way to go.

Putin is a disruptor.... in business sense.
You are not going to shake the world order on the table talk..... stop being stupid and delusional.


This young punk president is younger than my kids..wat does he know about life? Son n father putin relatuonship

(07-03-2022, 02:04 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Sgbuffett has no respect for the people of Russia to choose their own president?

Sgbutt can override the choice of Russian people and change president of his choice?


That is trely amazing!  Rotfl

I think you are the amazing one, when you call for the invasion of Ukraine.

(07-03-2022, 02:19 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Nothing can be assumed. But it's better that we don't provoke him for 10 years. That one confirmed will be trouble.

By then Poland, and a host of other countries will be gone.

(07-03-2022, 01:44 PM)winbig Wrote:  The world should get rid of those US companies selling weapons.

*The War in Ukraine* 

*WAKE UP WORLD .. ALL MASTERMIND BY USA to bring down Russia, China and YOUR OWN COUNTRY...WakeUp*

This is the Cuban Missile Moment once again. Sixty years ago the US put Nuclear Missiles in Turkey. The Soviet responded with their missiles in Cuba playing the game of nuclear chicken. Kennedy reached a deal with Khrushchev whereby both sides withdrew their missiles, and the Western media painted the incident as the Soviets blinked first.

*Today the Russian wanted the commitment that NATO will not include Ukraine (Russia's next door neighbour).*
*NATO enlargement is the USA tool to Dominate the World.* The US created NATO from 12 nations in 1949 to divide Europe from Russia/Soviet,
keep the Germans down and the US in charge.

NATO added Greece & Turkey in 1952, West Germany 1955, Spain 1982. After the Cold War East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czech. Later Central & Eastern Europe Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovak, Slovenia, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia.

On the waiting list today are Bosnia & Herzegovina, Georgia, Ukraine. Also being discussed are Sweden, Finland, Serbia.

*The growth of NATO is malignant and accelerating after the Cold War despite US assurance to Gorbachev that NATO would not expand Eastward an inch should the Soviets pull out of East Germany.* It is a Mafia syndicate of “if you’re not with us, you’re against us”.
If Russia surrenders, or if Russians voters are spooked enough to replace Putin with Western Puppet Navalny then the US-led NATO will be a terrific world dominating apparatus. *Naturally each time an Adversary falls all its Gold and Natural Resources will be Stolen or in the hands of the Anglo-Zionists Elites.*

*The US/UK is engineering a war between Ukraine and Russia.* *They’re the only ones crying wolves and Sending Weapons and Military Advisors.* It would be the graveyard for Russia like Afghanistan/Vietnam were to the British, Soviets and Americans. It will be a Proxy War for the West to avoid Direct War with Russia which can go nuclear.

*Ukraine is a very large country in size and population and the West has for years cultivated fascist Nazi terrorists factions there (like what they have done to break up Syria with different Islamic extremists they had infiltrated there).* *The West & IMF have been doling out billions in loans to the Ukrainian regime,* one of the most Corrupt in the World. These Loans are the Burden of the Future Generations, Windfall Today to Corrupt Leaders enriching themselves while committing Ukraine to the wishes of the US, money to fund the war and the US military industry, hire mercenaries and extremists.

The European economy is 10 times that of Russia. A protracted proxy war in a large Ukrainian battlefield could be the demise of a much sanctioned Russia. NordStream 2 is dead and while Russia is denied revenue and influence over Europe which is now chained to much more expensive US LNG.

*It is in the US interests to keep the conflict burning for years.* Good for the Biden administration in the polls during Wars. Good to see *the Destruction of two Potential Challengers (EU and Russia) to US mono-polarity.* It is important to prop up the USD. Capital flight to the presumed safety of the dominant global reserve currency. There will be some exodus of Euros to USD. At present 60% of international reserves currencies are in US dollars, 20% in Euros.


*The West can stop the war by just agreeing that NATO will not expand into Ukraine, or agree to implement the 2015 Minsk Peace Agreement negotiated by France & Germany with Ukraine Russia and Belarus, AND acknowledged by the UNSC. But Instead the West wants to pit Ukraine as a BAIT to draw Russia into a proxy war to wear down Russia or change the Putin regime.*

This war started in 2014 with the Regime changing Orange Revolution and since then 14,000 Ukrainians have been killed largely in the Civil War in Donbass region.

*Wake-Up World.*

(07-03-2022, 02:34 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  Very good observation.

Nice of you to compliment

(07-03-2022, 01:42 PM)Dan Wrote:  We need Putin to change the world order

But not in that way.......

(07-03-2022, 04:18 PM)debono Wrote:  But not in that way.......

In which way then?

(07-03-2022, 01:40 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  His recent threat talking about nuclear weapons is very concerning.

For many years the west let its guard down and allowed Russia to make billions selling oil and gas and minerals. Putin used the money to benefit a small circle of oligarchs and friends. He also spend a disproportionate amount on arms, cyber operations undermining elections in other countries.

Within Russia he runs a Klepticracy and use police state tactics to suppress the people. The 100 Oligarchs control 30% of the country's wealth. Opposition members are murdered and jailed quite often. He put the entire judicial system under his control removing all check and balance in the country.

Needless to say with 6000 nuclear warheads. The danger to the world is high.

bro................are you really that naive about politics ?
[+] 1 user Likes Napoleon Porlumpar's post

(07-03-2022, 05:00 PM)Napoleon Porlumpar Wrote:  bro................are you really that naive about politics ?

Sgbutt's brain is completely, 100% washed by AMTK media!

Pls forgive him!  Big Grin

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