CCP disappears fellow tiong for his views on Taiwan

How come ccp cult so sick and evil lolololol! Tongue Tongue Tongue

Even own ah tiong also can get kidnapped and disapeared like their ccp cult ministers qin gang and li shangfu lololololol! Tongue Tongue Tongue

Cult leader xi must be very insecure and sia suay. Ah tiong support official government ROC over rebel cult ccp coup which is funded by ang moh russian also can be eliminated! Tongue Tongue Tongue
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(19-01-2025, 10:28 PM)Purikura Wrote:

How come ccp cult so sick and evil lolololol! Tongue Tongue Tongue

Even own ah tiong also can get kidnapped and disapeared like their ccp cult ministers qin gang and li shangfu lololololol! Tongue Tongue Tongue

Cult leader xi must be very insecure and sia suay. Ah tiong support official government ROC over rebel cult ccp coup which is funded by ang moh russian also can be eliminated! Tongue Tongue Tongue

He will become very lonely soon lah! Big Grin

Xi is 71yo. He needs to plan a successor.
The country is not his possession to build his legacy which is turning out to be bad.

China has many capable people there is not reason to concentrate power on one person for long period.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Alamak 一个中国人为何去挺一个日本鬼仔?
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Ah tiong learn from cult leader mao to praise Japan for helping ccp cult take over china from ROC lolololol! Tongue Tongue Tongue

Everyone knows cult leader mao love to suck Japan cock and thank them for invading china Tongue Tongue Tongue

Pundek Pukimak pattern more than badminton LMAO 

[Image: IMG-20250120-WA0005.jpg]

Mental retard Pundek Pukimak and brokeback gangs the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s you don't know meh your daddies mummy's plp CEO Chew hor LMAO correct or not arse lickers stooge’s

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