CHINA, RUSSIA OFFICIALS: Foreign forces out to stoke turmoil in Asia

"Some countries, for fear that the world may stabilize, deliberately create turmoil, interfere in regional issues, interfere in other countries' internal affairs, and instigate color revolutions," he said.

"Behind the scenes, they hand out knives and think nothing of provoking people into wars, ensuring that they're the ones who benefit from the chaos," he added.

Dagestan incidence is not small matter
there u will face militant islam created by the Yusloslavian war
once the genie is out World Jihad. After dat toking 'out to stoke turmoil in Asia is mute pt.
Everything is PLAN starting with Pivot East
MH370 they showed DEW direct energy weapon ...

West is silly. Once Russia finishes toking they r Done.
tell me how u going to fight the Great Bear with nukes of every kind?

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