CNA : Why China's housing crisis will affect us negatively

It is likely they mismanage and makes things worse.


I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Because Spore bought a lot of commercial properties there

China Insider - fucklonggong organisation!

Can totally discount this!

And of course we know Chennai-newsasia has been infiltrated by .... also discount it!

Instead read this:

The People's Bank of China (PBC), the central bank, said on Thursday that it will speed up the implementation of special loans to ensure delivery of residential buildings and increase the application scope as needed.

Remember the rumour- mongering Hindustan Times and please include shitexchange both rumormongers screamed of a Chinese Coup and the arrest of President Xi.

Now this shitexchange hiding his head in a shithole.

China Insider?

China Insider= Hindustan Times

(29-09-2022, 08:11 PM)sporeguy Wrote:  China Insider - fucklonggong organisation!

Can totally discount this!

And of course we know Chennai-newsasia has been infiltrated by .... also discount it!

Instead read this:

The People's Bank of China (PBC), the central bank, said on Thursday that it will speed up the implementation of special loans to ensure delivery of residential buildings and increase the application scope as needed.

Global Times, fake news agency

Quote:1. In September 2016, the Global Times published an article, titled "Singapore's Delusional Reference to the South China Sea Arbitration During the Non-Aligned Movement Summit". Stanley Loh Ka Leung, then Singapore's ambassador to China, criticized the article as fake news. Loh also asked the Global Times to publish in full, in both English and Chinese, a letter he wrote to the newspaper's then editor-in-chief, Hu Xijin. Hu refuted the ambassador by saying that the Global Times' reports were reliable and based on information from people who attended the meeting, without publishing the letter that Loh had requested to be published.[13][14][15][16]

2. Fake news about protest in Belgium
On 23 June 2022, Global Times tweeted a claim that thousands of protesters marched in Brussels condemning NATO's aid for Ukraine during the Russian invasion of Ukraine on June 20. However, the protest was aimed at inflation as well as high costs of living; no evidence was found that it was linked to NATO. Samuel Cogolati, a member of parliament in Belgium, condemned the claim as disinformation.[62][63]

3. In China
In May 2016, the Global Times was criticized domestically by the Cyberspace Administration of China for "fabricating" news on the US, the South China Sea, North Korea, and Hong Kong, and "disturbing" the order of the cyberspace.[11]

In 2016, a retired Chinese ambassador compared the Global Times to an angry toddler. Xiang Lanxin, a former Global Times columnist who left due to its nationalism, wrote that it would be a "great shame" if history equated the Global Times with Der Stürmer, a Nazi propaganda tabloid.[3]

In September 2018, The Economist wrote: "It is not fashionable in China to take the Global Times seriously. Mention it at dinner with Chinese intellectuals and fireworks follow. They deplore its sabre-rattling towards Taiwan and Japan, and its deep reservoirs of grievance (this week the paper peddled a largely confected tale accusing Swedish police of brutalising some rowdy Chinese tourists)."[3]


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