CNN needs geography lesson after mistaking Taiwan for Thailand

On screen, the headline at 1.03am flashed “Thailand’s Capital Welcomes 2023” as the fireworks extravaganza at Taiwan’s Taipei 101 tower got underway.

CNN gaff central followed that up at 1.09am with another howler. The onscreen caption that flashed up read “Bangkok celebrates 2023,” while still displaying fireworks from Taipei.

Mistake No.3 occurred at 3.37am which showed an image of fireworks in Thailand, but labelled the location “Bangkok, Taiwan.”

No substance news hiaz

Americans tend to be very bad at geography.

I worked with 2 Canadians on one project and they came from Ottawa. When they found out that I knew where it is, they were surprised as they told me that most Americans (who are their southern neighbours) they met don't know where Ottawa is.

(03-01-2023, 08:48 AM)Levin Wrote:  Americans tend to be very bad at geography.

I worked with 2 Canadians on one project and they came from Ottawa. When they found out that I knew where it is, they were surprised as they told me that most Americans (who are their southern neighbours) they met don't know where Ottawa is.


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