COVID-19: Why Covovax/ Novavax and Corbevax didn’t qualify as booster doses

30 corona vaccines have now been approved worldwide, and hundreds more are in the pipeline. Corbevax is the youngest among them. The developers want it to end vaccination equality. But for that to happen, something would have to change fundamentally.

A new vaccine, structured differently than the previous Covid vaccines, is currently causing a stir. Corbevax, as the substance is called, was developed in a cooperation between the Texas Children's Hospital Center for Vaccine Development and the Baylor College of Medicine - without a large pharmaceutical company in the background.

Corbevax should soon ensure more vaccination justice in the world. So write the original developers, pediatrician Peter J. Hotez and vaccine developer Maria Elena Bottazzi, in an op-ed piece for Scientific American magazine.

Is Corbevax really what billions of people are hoping for? Is it this "garage vaccine" of all things that is sold to the masses as a good and cheap drug without profit - and that creates what the international Covax initiative threatens to fail with?

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