Cai Tianfeng's case: He tried to summon the soul several times but failed.

Shockingly, it was rumored in Hong Kong that Cai Tianfeng's family invited a master to invoke the soul several times on the first seven days and in the following days. However, due to the fragmentation of the body, some of the remains have not been found so far, and it is suspected that the awakening was unsuccessful.
[+] 1 user Likes theold's post

Masters are bullshit, i personally came across spirits before. These con man fake masters are totally ineffective in real life. Don't waste your time and money on them. Be warned.
[+] 1 user Likes The_Enlightened_One's post

People asked the Buddha how to be truly happy this very life. The Buddha taught them to follow the noble eightfold path to achieve the right concentration. This is how to be truly happy this very life.

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