Caixin : Can China pull itself out of deflationary nosedive?

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

My view is probably not.

1. Proepprty slump will keep dragging economy down.

2. China is dependent on exports and other countries don't want to buy so much from China.

3. Funds are pulling out of China dragging down its economy creating a death spiral.

4. Chjna has negative returns for all investments property and stocks qll lose money.

5. Govt does not take the right measures to address economic problems

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

What do you think they should do?

Does caixin give tips on how to improve yr cpfoa?

(22-01-2024, 05:13 PM)Sentinel Wrote:  What do you think they should do?

1. China should guarantee all Bank deposits to insure against bank collapse
2. Guarantee completion of all mortgaged properties under development.

3.  Implement QE similar to US during covid with direct cash issued to every household.

4. Negotiate with US to get back the trade deal Xi rejected from Trump.

5. Stop the belt and road as it wastes much of China's money.

6. Stop the disastrous dedollarisation policy. It is good to.boost ego but expands the amount of off shore yuan allowing speculators to short and weaken the Yuan vs USD.

7. Remove heavy restrictions on education, online games and  unshackle the platform economy.

8. Reassure the world it will not try to invade Taiwan and will keep the status quo until a more conducive time jn the future for peaceful reunification. Stop the threats in South Chjna sea and Taiwan straits.

9. Distance itself from Putin and Russia. Because the west is not going to expand business with a friend of its enemy. China close relations with Russia is harmful to China. Russia has nothing to offer ideologically and is run by nothing more than a mafia led by Putin. Economically Russia is weak and depend on resource exports that you can also get from others. The only reason tk gang up with Russia is to go against the west ...this creates an instable world and pushes us closer th ww3

10. Stop castration of the Chinese citizens using a police state. The brightest and best people do not like to be jnder such a system and  will move their wealth and skills out of China.

11. Learn from Taiwan, Learn from S.Korea learn also from Skngapore these are Asian States that have far higher income and achieved developed country status.

12. Its best to get rid of Xi. He has made too many mistake and entrenched himself with a "president for life" .  Consumed by power he will lead Chjna downhill. mistake after another.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 1 user Likes sgbuffett's post

Ahbutt the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s since Presint Xi take over China all stooge’s say collapse hor

China stand tall hor LMAO

Throwing money into OBOR projects in other countries while the country itself is in trouble?

(22-01-2024, 05:36 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  1. China should guarantee all Bank deposits to insure against bank collapse
2. Guarantee completion of all mortgaged properties under development.

3.  Implement QE similar to US during covid with direct cash issued to every household.

4. Negotiate with US to get back the trade deal Xi rejected from Trump.

5. Stop the belt and road as it wastes much of China's money.

6. Stop the disastrous dedollarisation policy. It is good to.boost ego but expands the amount of off shore yuan allowing speculators to short and weaken the Yuan vs USD.

7. Remove heavy restrictions on education, online games and  unshackle the platform economy.

8. Reassure the world it will not try to invade Taiwan and will keep the status quo until a more conducive time jn the future for peaceful reunification. Stop the threats in South Chjna sea and Taiwan straits.

9. Distance itself from Putin and Russia. Because the west is not going to expand business with a friend of its enemy. China close relations with Russia is harmful to China. Russia has nothing to offer ideologically and is run by nothing more than a mafia led by Putin. Economically Russia is weak and depend on resource exports that you can also get from others. The only reason tk gang up with Russia is to go against the west ...this creates an instable world and pushes us closer th ww3

10. Stop castration of the Chinese citizens using a police state. The brightest and best people do not like to be jnder such a system and  will move their wealth and skills out of China.

11. Learn from Taiwan, Learn from S.Korea learn also from Skngapore these are Asian States that have far higher income and achieved developed country status.

12. Its best to get rid of Xi. He has made too many mistake and entrenched himself with a "president for life" .  Consumed by power he will lead Chjna downhill. mistake after another.

Yes number 12 is the best. Kick out Xi.
[+] 1 user Likes victortan's post

They will not print or loosen money to go along with West to inflat market. These money will flow to west and this is what China Don't Want.

Their strategy will be counter West economy until stock market implode. Things will go back normal for trades...


think china is doing well and wiil be able to restart their economy with some time.

property. the private enterprise has used their borrowing power to growth making factory flow process property development. obviously not workable as that will create over supply quickly. chinese gov try to put a stop by not lending , then developer turn to borrowing from non chinese yen. with high interest rates years ago. it was ok with qe providing liquidity and low interest rate. then fed has to reverse to build confident in usd.
now interest rate at peak , need to wait for qt to end. qt is the real killer as it is drawing away liquidity flushing the global markets. the bear tone in all markets (equities, precious metals, crypto etc) will end when qt end. hope there is enough buyers of us gov treasury to allow qt to end.
other factors is the us office market which may cause another financial problem if they can find new lenders. another test for us financial system. office loan problem may force an earlier end to qt

china now also has other growth factors besides property. battery, ev cars, solar electric farm, wind electric, farming in previously non farm area with their water works and green houses build. 5G mobile will start to catch on when more applications and demand for bandwidth grow naturally. 2024 will see mobile phone growth. more advance business like hua wei, xiaomi are putting efforts into AI, EV cars etc new tech.

all these will create new employment area to eventually cover short falls from us and europe import. as long as there is new creation there will be demand . saw one report that said china made electric 3 wheelers are selling well and increasing export to europe. sure lower cost transport for short distance. singapore will see many if lta adopt a more open view of efficiency versus coe control.

(22-01-2024, 04:59 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:

Dont read this type of rubbish article.
They didnt even know how come Ah Xi was elected. Every chairman of China has his mission to accomplish.

China chairman is elected in this manner.


“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"


-0.3% is called "nosedive"???  Rotfl

No political party dare to dig its own grave on corruption except China.  Rotfl


“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

To Pukimak the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s you don't know meh your daddies begging liao need your help leh LMAO

Third world China collapse is inevitable. That's what they get for having a primary school educated loser as their cult leader LOL!

Ah tiongs are very poor and pathetic, third world china is in alot of debt and have no money.

Truly the sick man of asia. Pui. Good to see them sink to the ground like trash, wumaos sure triggered haha!

Ahbutt pukimak still sitting at home doing nothing today?

(22-01-2024, 05:11 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  My view is probably not.

1. Proepprty slump will keep dragging economy down.

2. China is dependent on exports and other countries don't want to buy so much from China.

3.  Funds are pulling out of China dragging down its economy creating a death spiral.

4. Chjna has negative returns for all investments property and stocks qll lose money.

5. Govt does not take the right measures to address economic problems
now pap govt leant a great lesson investing so many billions in china
hv not lerant well from soo chew industrial park  even lky need to go to soo chew to hv the matter settled.
then there is the tainjin eco park.
now mapletree  n capitland big losses  in china

look at their current reits prices will tell

Pple dun buy. That caused deflation pressure. Question to ask is why pple not buying.

[Image: retail-sales-annual-type-spline-d1-2014-...-04-30.png]

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