Calvin Cheng said he is not a turtle and asked you not to be one..

I am going to again call for the relaxation of pandemic restrictions in Singapore.
Specifically, we need to relax group sizes, stop all restrictions on F&B, and open up travel with no quarantine for all vaccinated travellers.
I have seen some remark that I am calling this purely out of self-interest, that my businesses are affected by these restrictions, or that i am unable to travel overseas for business trips.
These are both wrong
I have no business interests in Singapore that are affected by pandemic restrictions, and I have been travelling frequently overseas ever since I was vaccinated.
As a result, I have seen how some countries are actually living with the pandemic, and how some failed.
Last year, I lived in Europe for 3 months, mostly in London.
This was during the height of Delta. London at that time was a place where people were going out maskless, indoors and outdoors, and there were no group restrictions. Everything was open. During these 3 months, I never once tested positive whilst flying between countries in Europe.
I came home to Singapore for my booster, luckily just before the Omicron wave. I believe very much in vaccines, and the science showed that two jabs was not sufficient to protect against symptomatic Omicron. Omicron is also very infectious.
I then left for Dubai, which although has no restrictions, takes masking as seriously as Singapore. Ironically, after 4 days there, I tested positive for asymptomatic COVID on my pre-departure test for Singapore , and had to self-isolate before returning. That’s how infectious Omicron is. However no vaccinated person I know who caught Omicron fell seriously sick. Double-vaccinated people had colds and sore throats. Triple-vaccinated people like me were mostly asymptomatic. Unvaccinated people had the equivalent of a serious flu.
The countries in trouble now from the Omicron wave are those with low vaccination rates. Places in Europe that are back in lockdown have vaccination rates hovering around 65%.
The UK has an almost 100% vaccinated rate amongst over 60s. The UAE has the highest vaccinated rates in the world.
Both places are living life normally with no restrictions, except for masking in Dubai.
Singapore alone stands out as a highly vaccinated country with restrictive rules.
Unfortunately, a recent survey shows that the majority of Singaporeans agree with thee rules (about 60%).
As I have written before, the kiasu and kiasi (afraid to lose, afraid it die) DNA runs deep in Singaporean blood. It is also typical of small-islander mentality where people have an urge to shut their borders and stick their heads in the sand.
This does not bode well for Singapore.
Being overly conservative, scared, and over-reliant on the Government to protect us, will be the death of Singapore.
I also blame our leaders for not leading Singapore out of this climate of fear.
We are highly vaccinated. Omicron is mostly mild amongst vaccinated people.
Everyone has been given a chance to get vaccinated, and if we are not going to mandate vaccinations, the seniors who still refuse need to face the consequences. They should be put at the end of the queue for hospital beds if they fall sick with Covid.
The rest of us need to stop being afraid and live.
I have. I even got Covid.
I am not a turtle.
Are you?

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


(21-01-2022, 06:18 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  .....

It seems like he is referring to people like you

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


He just a Orh Kui Tao ….prostituting himself to the white country selling thieves for free

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin
[+] 1 user Likes Tangsen's post

Not turtle but rather a mountain tortoise.
[+] 1 user Likes SotongOngTee's post

Wasted. He kena COVID, should have developed into something more serious then maybe it will be the last time we hear from him.

No wonder they say good man die young..

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

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