Can more be done to protect whistleblowers?

WOW LAU EPIC MALAYSIA HAS , this is something new I know whereas our SG ???

" Singapore does not have universal whistleblower legislation that protects informants, unlike other economies such as Malaysia, Japan, the United Kingdom and the European Union. "

For I feel....The Public sectors should set an example. No doubt they also have a place for " whistleblower " end up the Top always Safe. Just give Warning as usual....In return people don't bother to report despite got noticed flaws in the system etc. Lastly they also want to safe guard their position etc so why report asking for trouble? Perhaps who know is the " intention from the Top " to make people piss off eventually don't bother to whistleblow....

Waiting for Whistle Blower's in PAP Team

So that we can learn from them

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

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