CanSino booster shot increases antibodies 78-fold

Morons, b like lalang lah to fight this deadly mutating virus creating havoc skeeplessness among all parents , grandparents, young n old .

..our only dear life n economy r at stake...ok, no more idea, but don't b iron teeth stubborn ox ok or not ....u can wait for more data from china till u die, u still cant get it ..simply cos china 's demand from local n abroad is overwhelming, where got time to give this data dat thus case , we need time desperately as human lives r concerned..
Try, test for compatibiliy, safety effectiveness n go ahead at once!

Since there good news coming out like tgis sino can, booster, quickly n dont waste any more time talking duscussing debating till cows come home ..
Repeat, pls lah get a few samples, try n test randomly n fast forward for emergency use if proven safe effective

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