Cases have surged to above 5000 -it is unsafe to go out

I have been isolating myself since the govt announced they will uo in a "live with covid" strategy. The covid19 virus is not an obedient servant that will not suddenly  become benign  because the govt its strategy. You cannot just say you want to live with covid and expect the virus to become less deadly and harmful because govt wants to do something.

1. The chance of death is much higher among the elderly. Many elderly form the working poor in Singapore and are exposed to the risk of contracting the disease. Plse do something and let them stay home.

2. Out of those infected 10% even mild asymptomatic cases will suffer long term effects like memory loss loss of smell and chronic fatigue. 

Plse despite assurances and the authorities painting a rosy picture. If something happens to you or your family it can be devastating.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

no one asks why the sudden surge? why >85% pah jam liao still like that?

Once contacted all inner organ breakdown how to recover?

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