Cases of pims, this post-Covid inflammatory syndrome in children

Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS) is a new condition that happens weeks after someone has had the virus that causes coronavirus (COVID-19). It causes inflammation (swelling) throughout the body which is one way your immune system fights off infection, injury and disease.

To analyse The Ministry of Health underlined, Tuesday, February 8, “a very clear increase” in the number of cases of this rare but severe pathology, which can occur on average four to six weeks after infection with the virus. According to the first data, vaccination could prevent the appearance of this syndrome.

“They say that the Covid does not do much for children, but this is not always the case”, summarizesBeatrice Holtz. Her 11-year-old son is one of 849 cases of pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome (pims) recorded since March 2020. This complication of Covid-19 in children, which occurs on average four to six weeks after infection with the virus, is manifested by various symptoms: "poorly tolerated fever, digestive signs, apathy, skin rashes, sometimes

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