Casino tales : Man bet red on roulette for 10 round- guess what?

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Stupid video

Tampines & West Coast GRCs are there for the taking 

(17-10-2024, 11:40 AM)Bluebull Wrote:  Stupid video

Thanks for warning which saves me from clicking.       Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

That’s bold. I’m guessing it didn’t go well—roulette can be brutal like that.

Well, I’ve seen people try stuff like sticking to one color or using patterns, but it’s all just luck in the end. Personally, I lean more towards slots when I want to avoid that stress. Slot77 Online has been a fun option for me—lots of variety and less nail-biting than watching the wheel spin.

Sgbutt is a compulsive gambler.

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