30yrs ago Apple was a tiny company and IBM was the tech giant

30yrs later we hardly read about IBM ..like it no longer exists and is now an Insignificant company.

Companies that did not exist at that time.like Google.and Amazon are now all bigger than IBM

If you look at long lasting volcanoes like Nintendo that has 100+yr history....it tells you the most important thing is when they company is doing well its ability to invest its funds well is the most important. 

In 1970-'1990 Buffett's Berkshire grew faster on average than the fastest growing company on the stick exchange of the period. This is a paradox as  Bershire activity involves investing in stocks listed on the exchange how did it grow faster than the fastest company on the exchange. The secret is good capital allocation ...the fastest growing company of the period did not grow fastest every decade and through intelligent switching Buffett could achieve this counter intuitive performance.

Today all the major tech companies incorporate an investment strategy Google invests invests no less that 50-100 starups every year.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Anything useful to make up for yr lost decades?

(11-07-2023, 10:58 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  30yrs later we hardly read about IBM ..like it no longer exists and is now an Insignificant company.

Companies that did not exist at that time.like Google.and Amazon are now all bigger than IBM

If you look at long lasting volcanoes like Nintendo that has 100+yr history....it tells you the most important thing is when they company is doing well its ability to invest its funds well is the most important. 

In 1970-'1990 Buffett's Berkshire grew faster on average than the fastest growing company on the stick exchange of the period. This is a paradox as  Bershire activity involves investing in stocks listed on the exchange how did it grow faster than the fastest company on the exchange. The secret is good capital allocation ...the fastest growing company of the period did not grow fastest every decade and through intelligent switching Buffett could achieve this counter intuitive performance.

Today all the major tech companies incorporate an investment strategy Google invests invests no less that 50-100 starups every year.
From the Pentagon

You do not want to know what IBM is doing in area 51

IBM was a private listed company

Now they signed secret contract with area 51
Apple is still a listed private company

Sgbutt has been lapping up these articles that expound good investing strategies so he must be very successful.

knn 30yr ago I still not yet learn how to swim in my laopei lampar.

(11-07-2023, 01:17 PM)grotesqueness Wrote:  From the Pentagon

You do not want to know what IBM is doing in area 51

IBM was a private listed company

Now they signed secret contract with area 51
Apple is still a listed private company

can enlighten us ?


You forgot Nokia Symbian.


(11-07-2023, 01:36 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Sgbutt has been lapping up these articles that expound good investing strategies so he must be very successful.

With inputs from so many experts gurus and masters that he follows, think he's very confused

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