Chairman Mao: Unequal treaty of 1858, was Russian illegal annexation of Chinese land

Amid heightening tensions, the Soviet Union and China began border talks. Although the Soviet Union had granted all of the territory of the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo to the Chinese Communists in 1945, which decisively assisted them during the Chinese Civil War, the Chinese now indirectly demanded territorial concessions on the basis that the 19th-century treaties transferring ownership of the sparsely-populated Outer Manchuria, concluded by Qing dynasty China and the Russian Empire, were "Unequal Treaties" and amounted to the annexation of rightful Chinese territory.

In July 1964, CCP Chairman Mao Zedong, in a meeting with the Japanese Socialist Party delegation, stated that Russia had unilaterally incorporated vast territories in Siberia and the Far East as far as Kamchatka. He stated that China and Russia still had not resolved this issue.

(03-05-2022, 07:31 PM)kokee Wrote:  china govt media now said russia will lose in Ukraine war & Russia will be dissected by 12 country, china will share with the rest 11 country on russia land.
sound like russia will lose till surrender & whole country will be gone & no more russia in future.
china is eyeing or try to please the west & work with west to attack russia?
can russia work with the west & attack china & dissect china?
what happen to china & xi? suddenly betray russia totally? so worry & scared?

5.2 【十二國瓜分俄羅斯?】中國官媒預言俄羅斯最終戰敗,國土被十二國瓜分,中國亦分一杯羹!

so china said russia will lose Ukraine war whole russia lands will be split by 12 country, china want to take back some they lose to russia in 1858 also recently in north eastern china.
japan also want back the 4 islands, china has chance to share? or china will be shared by others like russia?
these evil devil china, now stab russia from behind.

Taiwan most important Now.



(09-05-2022, 02:22 PM)Niubee Wrote:  Taiwan most important Now.


Is Taiwan invaded by Foreign armies such as Russia ?

Thinking Laughing

(09-05-2022, 03:07 PM)way Wrote:  Is Taiwan invaded by Foreign armies such as Russia ?

Thinking Laughing

Taiwan was invaded by Spanish, Portuguese. Dutch and Japanese forces.

TS is helping his beloved AMTK to sow discord between China and Russia?

Working so hard for money from his beloved AMTK daddy?  Rotfl

(09-05-2022, 03:13 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Taiwan were invaded by Spanish, Portuguese. Dutch and Japanese forces.

Was ? Today Russian Rapist Armies are stepping and shitting on Chinese soil in Outer manchuria leh.

Thinking Laughing

tw not yet settled, one at a time lah.

Moronic kokee dogs ah way king of lies and know nuts now sowing discord hor sleeping hor. they are now best of friends wearing same underwear hor

1. 鸦片战争 1
2. 鸦片战争 2
3. 火烧圆明园
4. 八国联军
5. 日本入侵东北
6. 10 年中日战争
7. 美国轰炸东北
8. NATO bombed Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia
9. Etc. Etc.

(09-05-2022, 03:30 PM)way Wrote:  Was ? Today Russian Rapist Armies are stepping and shitting on Chinese soil in Outer manchuria leh.

Thinking Laughing

Oh. U should lead armies to punish Russia. Thank you.

Taiwan will be taken back Laughing nudie


(09-05-2022, 04:26 PM)Niubee Wrote:  Oh. U should lead armies to punish Russia. Thank you.

Taiwan will be taken back Laughing nudie

Taken back from which foreigner invaders? Any Russian soldiers occupying and controlling the Island?

Thinking Laughing

Moronic kokee dogs ah way king of lies and know nuts no more subject liao take out dated tropic hiaz
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online photo hosting

[Image: 6-FB9-D67-C-9887-454-F-8248-296-BB865-C6-A1.webp]

(09-05-2022, 02:22 PM)Niubee Wrote:  Taiwan most important Now.


This PRC govt not interested to seek Qing or ROC claims. Focus now is Tw and nearby islands.

“2004年中俄两国边界问题彻底解决 2004年时任中国外长李肇星与俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫十月十四日在北京签署《中俄关于中俄国界东段的补充协定》,这标志着中俄边界问题的彻底解决。”

Double confirm

2022年4月13日 中方奉劝有关媒体不要拿中俄领土问题进行炒作,这种谣言在中俄两国没有市场,也不可能得逞。本世纪初,中俄两国签订了《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》,明确指出中俄将致力于打造永久和平...

If Mao did said that, then find 爱新觉罗 or ROC president Ms Veg to fulfil his dream.

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