Cheap & good? Not so fast.

[Ad] 💍 Cheap & good? Not so fast.

If the price of your wedding ring seems too good to be true, be careful: it might just be.


When I proposed to my wife, we had no money, and I bought her a ring that I could afford. But over time, I replaced it with a more expensive ring.

My spouse and I were on a tight budget and scoured various shops and online stores for affordable options. Eventually, we stumbled upon some rings that seemed too good to be true in terms of price. However, after some research, we realized that quality matters more than a bargain when it comes to something as significant as a wedding ring. It's a symbol of our love and commitment, so we decided to invest wisely.

But recently, I came across Basically, it's a jewelry piece made of ashes after cremation. It can be something to keep us together when we are temporarily apart.

Me still wearing $100 wedding ring.

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疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

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