Child died at mental health hospital ‘while staff were meant to be watching her’

Rebecca Thomas
Fri, 26 May 2023 at 4:00 am SGT

A 14-year-old girl who should have been under constant supervision at a mental health hospital died after a member of staff on his first shift left her unattended


Ruth Szymankiewicz died at Taplow Manor Hospital in Maidenhead on 12 February 2022 after a care worker responsible for her one-to-one supervision “sporadically” left his post


It also emerged at the hearing that the care worker, who is now abroad, was allegedly using a fake name.


Taplow Manor has been at the centre of several investigations by The Independent and Sky News over allegations of “systemic abuse” within a number of children’s hospitals formerly run by the Huntercombe Group and now run by Active Care Group.

Active Care Group, which owned Taplow Manor at the time of Ruth’s death, has since closed the hospital’s children’s service.

Full report at:

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