China’s ‘Twin-Tailed’ Scorpion Drone Flew Undetected Over Taiwan 中國宣布環台灣本島實彈軍事演習!

China’s ‘Twin-Tailed’ Scorpion Drone Flew Undetected Over Taiwan Amid US-China Tensions Over Nancy Pelosi

August 2, 2022

As tensions between the US and China over a possible visit by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan hogs the global limelight, recently, China’s TB-001 UAV flew around Taiwan’s eastern waters completely undetected.

The UAV was initially tested as a fire-extinguishing aircraft and had tremendous demand within China’s domestic market. It was flown between Japan and Taiwan at the peak of the tensions between the US and China over Pelosi’s potential visit to the Islands.

A December 2021 video showed the tri-engine drone dropping a fire-dousing bomb on a sandy region in Sichuan. Its latest use to deter Japan and Taiwan indicates it has been adopted for a military role.

It hit the headlines on July 26, when the Japanese Defense Ministry reported it flying from the East China Sea through the Miyako Straits between the Japanese islands of Okinawa and Miyakajima. After reaching the Pacific Ocean, the TB-001 flew past the Sakashima Islands and headed to north-eastern Taiwan.

China's killer drone flew to Taiwan! The TB-001 UAV can launch missiles and bombs at Japan &Taiwan

Moscow tv tower shows big banner to support China.

[Image: OOhlDbFeRAnepm-ygdrVskOpSBzchRMn3O2-JpqH...ef02-nd-v1]

武統台灣!中國宣布環台灣本島實彈軍事演習!裴洛西訪台是武統派的勝利 開啟了中國“武統台灣”的大幕 從此中國武統派成為主流 中國再無和統派

NATO , just exercise there ,exercise here only....

(03-08-2022, 01:44 AM)ysh02 Wrote:  NATO , just exercise there ,exercise here only....

China is Taiji master


解放軍準備「關門打狗」,封鎖臺灣三天,佩洛西怎麼離開臺灣? 臺灣敢開火嗎?


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