China denies asking Russia to delay invasion until end of Olympics

Futile to convince the Assmericunt lap curs lah.

Why must Russia listen to China? Putin is 70 years old liao, need to listen to China meh? Russia is a big country, need to listen to China? Can US listen to China? The West really anyhow say.

china link to russia, china support russia in Ukraine war, whole world know, why so shy.
putin & xi in beijing olympic & all the time, their plot in Europe & asia, what secret?
why china & commie dogs here so panic to cut off tie with russia & putin?
why china so quiet & fxxk them also no reply? so scared & worry, this balless & useless  dog.
china want to get away, you think putin & russia will agree? no way, putin already said clearly Russia & china are 1 gang.



俄方透露密談內容 北京嚇出冷汗

俄方透露密談內容 北京嚇出冷汗

(04-03-2022, 02:11 PM)kokee Wrote:  china link to russia, 

Kokee ah Kokee!

Can you ask your beloved Falun Gong Cult to work faster and give you something new to post?

Why keep posting the same old sai from your sai thang?  Rotfl

of course china know very early Russia going to invade Uktaine, they must agree to it & ask Russia to do it after olympic, morons also know, Xi & putin discuss in beijing.
china keep quiet. Russia definitely know when if Russia succeed  china will attack taiwan.
now china want to draw line with Russia if eventually russia lost till pantless, almost can see Russia not going to make it with all their junk weapons & army. Can see china U turn fast now. totally shameless.
中俄勾结 is for sure now, whole world fight Russia nowin war & economy, who will win is obvious, china want to run away?



中俄勾结,习近平要俄冬奥后开战,普京错失战机!又一世界大国援俄抗美 ,规避制裁,美国咋办?俄阵亡7千多人,焦土政策炸平民!

中俄勾结,习近平要俄冬奥后开战,普京错失战机!又一世界大国援俄抗美 ,规避制裁,美国咋办?俄阵亡7千多人,焦土政策炸平民!

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