China sanctions seven Taiwanese officials for supporting Taiwan independence
16-08-2022, 11:48 AM
16-08-2022, 12:06 PM
All these names mentioned, a few of them are of Japanese descendants origin. Where they have no recognition of Taiwan’s history but more of their own Japanese .
As such they have every means to bring independent of Taiwan despite them know very well that Taiwan and China are of the same origin. These few people carry the ROC citizenship but wanted to create a new citizenship for their self gain.
As such they have every means to bring independent of Taiwan despite them know very well that Taiwan and China are of the same origin. These few people carry the ROC citizenship but wanted to create a new citizenship for their self gain.
16-08-2022, 12:19 PM
haha, AT commie ran out of ideas
16-08-2022, 12:22 PM
16-08-2022, 12:28 PM
16-08-2022, 12:54 PM
all these moronic comie dogs here, forever slap their own faces!
these dogs bark sanction is BS & useless, why china sanction? real BS!
this bloody useless balless china, sanction for propaganda, all these taiwanese dont have 1 cts inside china, sanction them for what & for who to see! obvious! for show only, norm, bark & no action forever!
why not sanction US fully like what global sanction russia this yr! got ball? my foot! LOL LOL!
these dogs bark sanction is BS & useless, why china sanction? real BS!
this bloody useless balless china, sanction for propaganda, all these taiwanese dont have 1 cts inside china, sanction them for what & for who to see! obvious! for show only, norm, bark & no action forever!
why not sanction US fully like what global sanction russia this yr! got ball? my foot! LOL LOL!
16-08-2022, 12:56 PM
(16-08-2022, 12:54 PM)kokee Wrote: all these moronic comie dogs here, forever slap their own faces!
these dogs bark sanction is BS & useless, why china sanction? real BS!
this bloody useless balless china, sanction for propaganda, all these taiwanese dont have 1 cts inside china, sanction them for what & for who to see! obvious! for show only, norm, bark & no action forever!
why not sanction US fully like what global sanction russia this yr! got ball? my foot! LOL LOL!
Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous
Kokee the scumbags
Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof
Kokee go take medication
National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous kokee howling scare panic desperate dog losing the
16-08-2022, 01:00 PM
China under Xi is really stupid and play into the US hands
first off...Taiwan didnt have any changes referendum etc
Just send a simple message ..go indepence there will be war , thats all
BTW ..even a farked up country like Malaysia is free from Covid , people travel happily .. in China, you have money also kenna Lock down ... just buy the MRNA vaccine and get on with life and business
Xi is a complete failure
first off...Taiwan didnt have any changes referendum etc
Just send a simple message ..go indepence there will be war , thats all
BTW ..even a farked up country like Malaysia is free from Covid , people travel happily .. in China, you have money also kenna Lock down ... just buy the MRNA vaccine and get on with life and business
Xi is a complete failure
16-08-2022, 01:30 PM
16-08-2022, 02:33 PM
(16-08-2022, 12:06 PM)kangtangman Wrote:
All these names mentioned, a few of them are of Japanese descendants origin. Where they have no recognition of Taiwan’s history but more of their own Japanese .
As such they have every means to bring independent of Taiwan despite them know very well that Taiwan and China are of the same origin. These few people carry the ROC citizenship but wanted to create a new citizenship for their self gain.
你以为闹台独的是台湾人?你真的错了!(好文,一针见血) 台湾的台独实际是日本人的百年阴谋!
台独只是他们的过度和跳板,武力解放台湾时,他们是会和解放军打巷战,拼到底的,混在台湾内的日本人 杨振明教授记述:
[size=11]以前我一直不能理解为什么台湾有激进亲日分子,自去(民国 103)年6月间,高中历史教科书微调案引发后,不少台独学者抗拒,只准使用“日治”不同意用“日据”... 等,进而除“中国化”、除“台湾化”、推行“日本皇民化”... 这些激进亲日分子,其背景没有人去追究。[/size]
在台湾这么自由、民主的社会还迷恋日本,拥抱日本,当然有他民族的特质;表面认定他们是在玩弄政治搞台独,压根儿就没有人去想他们原就是日本人,这不是胡说,也不是扣帽子,有史实可考,户籍事务所应可验证,政府接收时外交、 内政部都应有公案文书可查。
[size=11]光复台湾才70年,户借数据应清楚记载,更改姓名是可查鉴,凡叛制造事端者,查清身分后,依法究办或遣返日本,除去害群之马,以安我家邦。台湾光复至今已70年,那时台湾住民约500余万人,现约有4.5 倍成长,那时归顺日本皇民约30余万人,至今也约100多万人。其部分知识分子与经济富裕子弟还投入政治体系与民意代表,从事政治活动,搞台湾独立。如李登辉就是皇民代表人物,在他与陈水扁执政 20年,录用不少搞台独分子,进入高等学术单位与政府机构。他们以不当言论,歪曲历史事实,误导人民视听,丑化中华民国政府,去“中国化”、去“台湾化”,推行“日本皇民化”,拥抱日本者大有人在。[/size]
[size=11]这八条街商人多为日本人经营,日本商人被遣返,其不动产店面房屋无法带走,只得廉价转移给台湾人,(附民国38年8月16日扫荡报刊登台湾省日产清理处第二批日产移转案件审查决定公告报纸左证是实)或赠送给本省人, 无法携带的东西就送给本省人。[/size]
很可惜美好的台湾就被这些日本皇民余孽分子搞乱了,怎不叫人痛心 !
[size=11]凡有血性的中国同胞,恳请广为转传。 无论您有多忙,请花 1 秒钟的时间把它放到你的圈子里!可能您的朋友就需要!谢谢![/size]
你以为闹台独的是台湾人?你真的错了!(好文,一针见血) 台湾的台独实际是日本人的百年阴谋!
台独只是他们的过度和跳板,武力解放台湾时,他们是会和解放军打巷战,拼到底的,混在台湾内的日本人 杨振明教授记述:
[size=11]以前我一直不能理解为什么台湾有激进亲日分子,自去(民国 103)年6月间,高中历史教科书微调案引发后,不少台独学者抗拒,只准使用“日治”不同意用“日据”... 等,进而除“中国化”、除“台湾化”、推行“日本皇民化”... 这些激进亲日分子,其背景没有人去追究。[/size]
在台湾这么自由、民主的社会还迷恋日本,拥抱日本,当然有他民族的特质;表面认定他们是在玩弄政治搞台独,压根儿就没有人去想他们原就是日本人,这不是胡说,也不是扣帽子,有史实可考,户籍事务所应可验证,政府接收时外交、 内政部都应有公案文书可查。
[size=11]光复台湾才70年,户借数据应清楚记载,更改姓名是可查鉴,凡叛制造事端者,查清身分后,依法究办或遣返日本,除去害群之马,以安我家邦。台湾光复至今已70年,那时台湾住民约500余万人,现约有4.5 倍成长,那时归顺日本皇民约30余万人,至今也约100多万人。其部分知识分子与经济富裕子弟还投入政治体系与民意代表,从事政治活动,搞台湾独立。如李登辉就是皇民代表人物,在他与陈水扁执政 20年,录用不少搞台独分子,进入高等学术单位与政府机构。他们以不当言论,歪曲历史事实,误导人民视听,丑化中华民国政府,去“中国化”、去“台湾化”,推行“日本皇民化”,拥抱日本者大有人在。[/size]
[size=11]这八条街商人多为日本人经营,日本商人被遣返,其不动产店面房屋无法带走,只得廉价转移给台湾人,(附民国38年8月16日扫荡报刊登台湾省日产清理处第二批日产移转案件审查决定公告报纸左证是实)或赠送给本省人, 无法携带的东西就送给本省人。[/size]
很可惜美好的台湾就被这些日本皇民余孽分子搞乱了,怎不叫人痛心 !
[size=11]凡有血性的中国同胞,恳请广为转传。 无论您有多忙,请花 1 秒钟的时间把它放到你的圈子里!可能您的朋友就需要!谢谢![/size]
16-08-2022, 02:35 PM
16-08-2022, 02:36 PM
16-08-2022, 02:37 PM
16-08-2022, 02:39 PM
16-08-2022, 02:41 PM
16-08-2022, 02:44 PM
(16-08-2022, 12:19 PM)limpeh394 Wrote: haha, AT commie ran out of ideas
"We have to protect Taiwan, as a democratic country," Japan's deputy defense minister, Yasuhide Nakayama, said in a conference in June.
16-08-2022, 03:01 PM
(16-08-2022, 02:44 PM)CHAOS Wrote: "We have to protect Taiwan, as a democratic country," Japan's deputy defense minister, Yasuhide Nakayama, said in a conference in June.
Stupid Japenis trying to create excuses for China , Russia and N Korea to join hands to wipe Japan off the map!
16-08-2022, 07:13 PM
16-08-2022, 07:15 PM
16-08-2022, 07:38 PM
U dun sanction them, you catch them and lock them up since Taiwan is part of China.
16-08-2022, 07:40 PM
(16-08-2022, 02:33 PM)CHAOS Wrote:安倍晋三去世,日本政府没有降半旗,日本东京铁塔没有亮灯致哀,只有日本自民党降半旗。日本新闻大幅报导,但日本民众表现相当冷淡。
你以为闹台独的是台湾人?你真的错了!(好文,一针见血) 台湾的台独实际是日本人的百年阴谋!
台独只是他们的过度和跳板,武力解放台湾时,他们是会和解放军打巷战,拼到底的,混在台湾内的日本人 杨振明教授记述:
[size=11]以前我一直不能理解为什么台湾有激进亲日分子,自去(民国 103)年6月间,高中历史教科书微调案引发后,不少台独学者抗拒,只准使用“日治”不同意用“日据”... 等,进而除“中国化”、除“台湾化”、推行“日本皇民化”... 这些激进亲日分子,其背景没有人去追究。[/size]
在台湾这么自由、民主的社会还迷恋日本,拥抱日本,当然有他民族的特质;表面认定他们是在玩弄政治搞台独,压根儿就没有人去想他们原就是日本人,这不是胡说,也不是扣帽子,有史实可考,户籍事务所应可验证,政府接收时外交、 内政部都应有公案文书可查。
[size=11]光复台湾才70年,户借数据应清楚记载,更改姓名是可查鉴,凡叛制造事端者,查清身分后,依法究办或遣返日本,除去害群之马,以安我家邦。台湾光复至今已70年,那时台湾住民约500余万人,现约有4.5 倍成长,那时归顺日本皇民约30余万人,至今也约100多万人。其部分知识分子与经济富裕子弟还投入政治体系与民意代表,从事政治活动,搞台湾独立。如李登辉就是皇民代表人物,在他与陈水扁执政 20年,录用不少搞台独分子,进入高等学术单位与政府机构。他们以不当言论,歪曲历史事实,误导人民视听,丑化中华民国政府,去“中国化”、去“台湾化”,推行“日本皇民化”,拥抱日本者大有人在。[/size]
[size=11]这八条街商人多为日本人经营,日本商人被遣返,其不动产店面房屋无法带走,只得廉价转移给台湾人,(附民国38年8月16日扫荡报刊登台湾省日产清理处第二批日产移转案件审查决定公告报纸左证是实)或赠送给本省人, 无法携带的东西就送给本省人。[/size]
很可惜美好的台湾就被这些日本皇民余孽分子搞乱了,怎不叫人痛心 !
[size=11]凡有血性的中国同胞,恳请广为转传。 无论您有多忙,请花 1 秒钟的时间把它放到你的圈子里!可能您的朋友就需要!谢谢![/size]
The reason why Taiwan has also fly their flag half mass because DPP party is actually a affiliate to the same name of a Japanese party. The problem is the Taiwanese DPP cannot admit openly and they were supported by the former President Lee TengHui in early 2000 when Chen ShuiBian became the President after the elections.
Every time when DPP run the administration of Taiwan state, they would used or find ways to siphon the reserves. And when KMT return into power the reserves would then recover to some extend.
The corruptions between the two parties KMT and DPP, well when both party members get caught. KMT will lowered their heads, but DPP will raise their handcuffed hands and cry out loud they were framed.
When the vaccines were not bought they blamed China for blocking them from getting from the manufacturers. But in actual DPP administration refused to buy from the authorised distributor by the manufacturer, because DPP will “lose face” to buy from China. When they advocate to “blame” China for all the wrongs, whether they are true or not. And many more.
16-08-2022, 09:39 PM
(16-08-2022, 01:00 PM)keys Wrote: China under Xi is really stupid and play into the US hands
first off...Taiwan didnt have any changes referendum etc
Just send a simple message ..go indepence there will be war , thats all
BTW ..even a farked up country like Malaysia is free from Covid , people travel happily .. in China, you have money also kenna Lock down ... just buy the MRNA vaccine and get on with life and business
Xi is a complete failure
Malaysia is not free from covid. Malaysia is free to get covid. U go in u will kena covid. Lots of friends already kena when they went inside. They were ok for long time in SG.
17-08-2022, 08:24 AM
(16-08-2022, 09:39 PM)winbig Wrote: Malaysia is not free from covid. Malaysia is free to get covid. U go in u will kena covid. Lots of friends already kena when they went inside. They were ok for long time in SG.
its because they use the best vaccine avialable.. even you get COVID, it just a normal flu
17-08-2022, 08:33 AM
17-08-2022, 09:38 AM
(16-08-2022, 01:00 PM)keys Wrote: China under Xi is really stupid and play into the US hands
first off...Taiwan didnt have any changes referendum etc
Just send a simple message ..go indepence there will be war , thats all
BTW ..even a farked up country like Malaysia is free from Covid , people travel happily .. in China, you have money also kenna Lock down ... just buy the MRNA vaccine and get on with life and business
Xi is a complete failure
If China is stupid, then you dont buy anything made from China lor….
If not, you are also stupid still use Products made from China.
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"
17-08-2022, 09:41 AM
FYI, Kokee uses HP made from China, and whole day talk bad about China?
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"
17-08-2022, 09:44 AM
(16-08-2022, 12:06 PM)kangtangman Wrote: All these names mentioned, a few of them are of Japanese descendants origin. Where they have no recognition of Taiwan’s history but more of their own Japanese .
As such they have every means to bring independent of Taiwan despite them know very well that Taiwan and China are of the same origin. These few people carry the ROC citizenship but wanted to create a new citizenship for their self gain.
Only 10% of ROC wants united
40%++ dont want…
another 40%++ not sure…
China still got a long way to go….
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"
17-08-2022, 10:08 AM
(17-08-2022, 09:44 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote: Only 10% of ROC wants united
40%++ dont want…
another 40%++ not sure…
China still got a long way to go….
I am not sure about the percentage but one thing for sure with DPP having being the administrator of Taiwan. They have made many changes with their education materials over the years.
And information between both China and Taiwan relationships have made quite a fair bit of changes over the years. I guess like many administration they will try to influence the younger generations in order to ensure that they win future elections.
But ultimately it really depends on each individual’s intelligence to tell the difference. Just my opinion.
17-08-2022, 10:12 AM
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