NUS Study : 30% of Singapore household do not make enough for basic living standard..

The study was done by National University of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

Its findings were released in the report Minimum Income Standards For Households In Singapore (2021), and were disputed by the Ministry of Finance (MOF) in a statement on Friday (Oct 8).

LKYSPP senior research fellow Ng Kok Hoe and NTU head of sociology Teo You Yenn, two of the study's six authors, said that the study on how much people need to achieve a basic standard of living in Singapore has exposed some gaps in society.

But a substantial and concerning proportion of working households in Singapore - about 30 per cent - do not earn enough to meet these needs.

Link to Straits Times Article

S'pore is a highly unequal society with biggest income gap in developed world.

It is a society where there is "elite capture" where a class of scholar elite are disproportionately given educational opportunities and limits access of ordinary Singaporeans to university education. Among developed Asian countries lowest % educated to university level and IT course.

When convenient they tell population no need university education as there are not enough good jobs for graduates.
Why then does the pap govt import foreigners with degree when there are not enough good jobs for people with degrees?

Singaporeans are now struggle in jobs like food delivery, drivers and waitresses jobs. ...our opportunities are limited while the elites use our tax dollars for "posh education" branded foreign institutions like Harvard.

[Image: FNqohdB.jpg]

[Image: K3kl5z5.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 1 user Likes sgbuffett's post

Not useful.
Since 2008 Dola CREDITs have saturated.

GST must go up they say

PAP voters got no right to complain

(09-10-2021, 08:46 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  S'pore is a highly unequal society with biggest income gap in developed world.

It is a society where there is "elite capture" where a class of scholar elite are disproportionately given educational opportunities and limits access of ordinary Singaporeans to university education. Among developed Asian countries lowest % educated to university level and IT course.

When convenient they tell population no need university education as there are not enough good jobs for graduates.
Why then does the pap govt import foreigners with degree when there are not enough good jobs for people with degrees?

Singaporeans are now struggle in jobs like food delivery, drivers and waitresses jobs. ...our opportunities are limited while the elites use our tax dollars for "posh education" branded foreign institutions like Harvard.

[Image: FNqohdB.jpg]

[Image: K3kl5z5.jpg]

Mr Cow statements is flawed. How can you get a good job if employers are looking at your education status? If you get a job after leaving school you will end up on doing the basic jobs that are shunned by others and the salary will be peanuts reserved for monkeys. Crap coming out of the mouth of someone out of touch with the common people.

tomorrow will be a better day
[+] 2 users Like surfer's post

NUS Studies is base ideal condition which does not exist,
if some survive at just over 1K per month, then many should already died by NUS basic living standard.

Essential needs are different in each society classes.
And yes Sg is divided by different classes, those below do not have tuition from young or vehicle etc
Discontent is brewing.

thats a lot ... what happenned

Do another survey. 
How many Millionaires in Singapore? 
You'll be surprised. 
Singaporeans so many so rich ah?

(09-10-2021, 10:03 AM)Migrant Wrote:  Do another survey. 
How many Millionaires in Singapore? 
You'll be surprised. 
Singaporeans so many so rich ah?

You are wrong again.  Many multi -millionaires are not Singaporeans but given Citizenships ie Yandlord Group of families, Dyson. Gupta in Orchard . . .

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

(09-10-2021, 10:10 AM)Ola Wrote:  You are wrong again.  Many multi -millionaires are not Singaporeans but given Citizenships ie Yandlord Group of families, Dyson. Gupta in Orchard . . .

now that is called inequality. pap must taX more at the upper class than keep increasing GST .

(09-10-2021, 10:33 AM)jus4lucky Wrote:  now that is called inequality. pap must taX more at the upper class than keep increasing GST .

This will not happen, cos ministers are paid a high remuneration....

WE can see the whole PA P Fcking Culture from left to right, everywhere.

They are not protecting the 5 groups of vulnerable but rather exploiting them.

[Image: Wife-of-Grassroot-show-Weekend-Home-Apr-20.png]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 2 users Like Ola's post

30%? Cannot be la. Basic living is what?

(09-10-2021, 11:05 AM)Sharexchange Wrote:  30%? Cannot be la. Basic living is what?

I came across overseas articles where it covers 12 or 14 items:

1) Basic raw food

2) Transport

3) IT/ Telco service

4) Housing

5) Basic clothes

6) Basic Hygiene ie soap, laundry 


Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

How will the lower income wage earners live when GST is going to be raised? Electricity costs is ever rising and salaries have not gone up in tandem

Costs of living has already gone up ,ie food, transport and even medical costs.

tomorrow will be a better day

(09-10-2021, 11:11 AM)surfer Wrote:  How will the lower income wage earners live when GST is going to be raised? Electricity costs is ever rising and salaries have not gone up in tandem

Costs of living has already gone up ,ie food, transport and even medical costs.

Electricity and potable water prices are raised every now and then, and these are essential to basic living....

(09-10-2021, 11:08 AM)Ola Wrote:  I came across overseas articles where it covers 12 or 14 items:

1) Basic raw food

2) Transport

3) IT/ Telco service

4) Housing

5) Basic clothes

6) Basic Hygiene ie soap, laundry 


cannot holiday. can only go JB or Batam

(09-10-2021, 11:15 AM)Sharexchange Wrote:  cannot holiday. can only go JB or Batam

Even your southerly neighbours don't want sinkies to go there to infect them. Laughing

tomorrow will be a better day

WHO r the majority? Stupiod...billions go to them every year for those who can work but dont to work

Simply a fight to the finish
US corporation(BROKE) since Dola credits saturated in 2008
vs US Republic
Until it is over Thought of a better tomorrow must take a back seat.

just to make the sandwich class feel better, they put the figure at 30%? Rotfl

(09-10-2021, 01:29 PM)wulala Wrote:  just to make the sandwich class feel better, they put the figure at 30%? Rotfl

30% of Singapore households do not make enough for basic living is a large number.  These are those who fall between the cracks, and they need govt. help to survive...

(09-10-2021, 01:34 PM)debono Wrote:  30% of Singapore households do not make enough for basic living is a large number.  These are those who fall between the cracks, and they need govt. help to survive...

it depend on the definition of 'basic living'.
if 30% require food on the table and basic essentials then the figure is pretty unhealthy for a nation.
however many who fall back, most are not willing to adjust their 'so used to' lifestyle.

And again allow my wild imagination, could such published news just to preamp the increase of GST to 'help the poor'?

(09-10-2021, 11:14 AM)debono Wrote:  Electricity and potable water prices are raised every now and then, and these are essential to basic living....

Remove GST from basic and essential living item? Thinking
30% will be living in tough life if no substantial action taken. GST is a poor man tax?

柴米油盐酱醋茶shd remove from GST.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(09-10-2021, 10:33 AM)jus4lucky Wrote:  now that is called inequality. pap must taX more at the upper class than keep increasing GST .

antagonise n anger  the poor n middle class is much more better for pap.
easy job

(09-10-2021, 11:14 AM)debono Wrote:  Electricity and potable water prices are raised every now and then, and these are essential to basic living....

v heartless leaders

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