Chinese pundits predict Russian victory in Ukraine

Another writer says the Avdiivka battle will not only determine the result of the Ukrainian-Russian war, but also affect the safety and stability in the entire Europe.

Learn from the Chinese - if you wanna bet, just watch whether $ is flowing to fund an enterprise.... Big Grin

Ukrainian President Zelensky has called off a high-profile briefing with US lawmakers scheduled for Tuesday 5 Dec, but were cancelled at the last moment.

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

"Old man, I don't care how u cleaned up San Francisco for Xi visit or how the Arabs showered Putin with love....Just show me the #%**!!!  $$$ !!! "

Big Grin

[Image: AP23264725608111.jpg]

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

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