Choo Yi Hung, 30, has never voted for PAP, after graduating from college

But discontent has been growing. In the 2020 election, the P.A.P.’s share of the popular vote reached a near-record low of 61 percent, and the opposition won a record 10 seats in Parliament, out of 93 that were up for grabs.

Choo Yi Hung, 30, has never voted for Mr. Lee’s party. Two years after graduating from college with a degree in English language and linguistics, he delivers food and tutors students, making about $2,400 per month. He still lives with his parents; he would like his own apartment, but that is out of reach. He can’t buy a public housing flat from the government until he gets married or turns 35. Not that he can afford one.

chaey i tot wat
i also never voted pap since I was 18 or 20 when i got to vot
now Im 60
still not vote them
my thinking is always do the reverse of wat the majority is doing
like vacination also
everyone rushing to take the jab
means its a clear sign not to do
in trading ...90% always lost..

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