Civil War in Myanmar

(19-11-2023, 09:07 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  People who fled Myanmar carry their belongings across a bridge that connects Myanmar and India at the border village of Zokhawthar, Champhai district, in India's northeastern state of Mizoram, India, November 15, 2023. (Reuters)

Twenty-nine Myanmarese soldiers, who fled to Mizoram following intense gunfights with militia group People’s Defence Force (PDF), were sent back to their country on Sunday, an official said.

With these, a total of 74 Myanmar army personnel, who crossed over to India after their camps were overrun by militia groups in the recent gunfight, have been escorted back to their country, she said.
Armed Rebels Seize Nearly 50% Of Myanmar In Military Offensive; Junta Says Nation On The Brink Of Breaking Apart.

 Myanmar’s military, known as the Tatmadaw, is facing its biggest threat since it seized power two-and-a-half years ago. In a significant challenge, the military junta is battling ethnic insurgent groups to keep control of the country’s border towns.

Different groups of well-armed rebels have joined forces for the first time and are gaining ground to restore democratic rule. The violence is causing people to flee to neighboring countries, bringing internal unrest to the world stage.

After the takeover of the government by the Tatmadaw in a February 2021 coup, ethnic rebel groups based mainly in Myanmar’s peripheral regions have organized armed opposition to the junta. In recent advances, rebels have seized nearly a hundred outposts in the north of the country, including several vital towns and critical trade routes.
Myanmar offensive began last month in Shan State. Behind it is an alliance of three ethnic armies. They aim to overthrow the military junta and restore democratic rule. Their gains have encouraged resistance forces elsewhere in the country, seizing several towns.

The military-govt of President Myint Swe has warned country is in danger of breaking apart, saying that Myanmar would “split into various parts” if the govt “did not effectively manage incidents happening in the border region.”

They (rebels) have seized over 8,000 square (?) kilometers and advances were made over a set of four offensives up till now. The first was on October 27 during Operation 1027, undertaken by the “Three Brotherhood Alliance” comprising three ethnic groups — the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), and the Arakan Army (AA), in northern Shan State. Amongst the Brotherhood alliances were fighters from Rakhine state, situated further SouthWest of the country.

This was followed by a second offensive, ‘Operation 1107’, undertaken on November 7, in which the Karreni resistance forces captured at least two military bases in the southeastern Kayah State. Operation 1107 was launched to liberate Kayah State and support the resistance’s advance to Pyinmana, near the junta’s Naypyitaw fortress.
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SINGAPORE: At 4am on Oct 27, a coalition of powerful ethnic rebel armies in Myanmar, known as the Brotherhood Alliance, launched a series of attacks on the ruling junta's forces in northern Shan state.

The alliance, made up of ethnic Arakan, Ta'ang and Kokang troops, aims to get rid of Myanmar's military dictatorship as well as eradicate notorious online scam syndicates operating near the border with China.

Their offensive, codenamed Operation 1027 to mark the date it began, has sparked similar attacks by other resistance militias in the country.

Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced by the prolonged, coordinated fighting - which has also led to growing numbers of soldiers in the armed forces defecting or surrendering to the opposition.

How did the operation grow in scale?
On the day of the Brotherhood Alliance's attacks in Shan state, the Karen National Liberation Army breached junta offices in Kayin state, south of Shan.

Almost immediately, the National Unity Government - an administration formed in exile after Myanmar's 2021 coup - said its civilian troops, the People's Defence Force, would join Operation 1027.

Days later, the Arakan Army and Kachin Independence Army seized military outposts in Kachin state.

On Nov 13, a new wave of attacks kicked off in Rakhine state. Simultaneous sieges were also reported in parts of Sagaing, Chin, Mon, Kachin and Kayin states.

What motivated the attacks?
Operation 1027 is widely viewed as a campaign to end military rule, two years after the junta unseated a democratically elected government led by Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, and triggered a bloody crackdown on dissent.

But the primary impetus is territorial disputes, according to armed conflict observer Amara Thiha from the Norway-based Peace Research Institute Oslo. He said each of the ethnic armies in the alliance had its own agenda, from seizing control of land to expanding influence on trade routes. "When you wage a war, you need some kind of political justification," Mr Amara Thiha said. "And currently, the most acceptable one is to work on the cause of ending military dictatorship and rule."

Other observers like Jason Tower, Myanmar country director at the United States Institute of Peace, believe Operation 1027 has China's fingerprints over it. In an interview with the US-funded Radio Free Asia news agency, he noted that one of the Brotherhood Alliance's justifications for its offensive was to take down scam syndicates and free victims of human trafficking. This has been a major bugbear of Chinese authorities and exactly what Beijing had been calling on the junta to address in the months prior, said Mr Tower.

Observers like Jason Tower, Myanmar country director at the United States Institute of Peace, believe Operation 1027 has China's fingerprints over it. In an interview with the US-funded Radio Free Asia news agency, Mr Tower noted that one of the Brotherhood Alliance's justifications for its offensive was to take down scam syndicates and free victims of human trafficking. This has been a major bugbear of Chinese authorities and exactly what Beijing had been calling on the junta to address in the months prior, said Mr Tower.

Asia CNA news.... Explains: Myanmar's rebels are gaining ground with their latest attacks. Could they overthrow the junta?

Myanmar's military dictatorship appears to be struggling with its biggest threat in decades. CNA's Leong Wai Kit looks at what provoked "Operation 1027", and the implications for both country and region.

CNA Explains: Myanmar's rebels are gaining ground with their latest attacks. Could they overthrow the junta?.

Members of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army pose for a photograph with the group's flag in front of the Kunlong bridge in Kunlong township in Shan state, Myanmar, Nov 12, 2023. (Photo: The Kokang online media via AP) …see more...At 4am on Oct 27 2023.

What's been the impact on Myanmar and the region?

Myanmar's junta-backed president has warned that the prolonged fighting risks breaking up the country.

At least 200,000 people have fled the violence thus far, on top of 1.1 million displaced since the 2021 coup which has plunged Myanmar into worsening civil strife, humanitarian crisis and economic ruin.

Immediate neighbours China and India have been on the receiving end of thousands of refugees. Beijing has also reported its citizens being killed in the clashes.
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United Nations says more than a million people have been displaced since Myanmar’s military staged a coup in 2021, upending a decade of tentative democracy and plunging the country into conflict and economic ruin.

“There is a great deal of impetus for Asean to solve this problem. But it is a very, very difficult problem,” Marcos said

junta’s post-coup crackdown on opponents gave rise to a resistance movement that has been growing in strength. Asean has barred the top generals from attending its meeting until they commit to the bloc’s two-year-old peace roadmap.

The Philippines will chair Asean in 2026 after it replaced Myanmar as host that year. — Reuters

(19-11-2023, 01:35 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  November 18, 20236:22 
BANGKOK, Nov 18 (Reuters) - Forty-one Thai nationals, trapped in northern Myanmar amid a surge in fighting between junta troops and armed ethnic-minority groups near the Chinese border, returned to Thailand on Saturday, the Thai army said.

Tens of thousands of people have been displaced across Myanmar as the military govt, seized power in a 2021 coup, battles a coordinated offensive by an opposition. 

While Thais trapped by Myanmar fighting repatriated. Thai army says.
Thanks for all yr wonderful updates.👍

SINGAPORE: A Singaporean was among the foreigners evacuated from town of Laukkaing in Myanmar, said Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) on Monday (Nov 20). The group was on a flight organised by Thai govt to evacuate its citizens, said ministry in response to queries. CNA news.

MFA had been working closely through our Embassies in Yangon, Bangkok, Beijing, and Consulate-General in Guangzhou, with the relevant authorities to evacuate Singaporean.

Laukkai town in Myanmar’s northeastern Shan state has seen intense fighting between ethnic armed groups and the Myanmar military. While Thailand has evacuated around 300 of its citizens so far, at least 30 are still believed trapped there. May Wong speaks to some of their families.

(20-11-2023, 10:21 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Armed Rebels Seize Nearly 50% Of Myanmar In Military Offensive; Junta Says Nation On The Brink Of Breaking Apart.

 Myanmar’s military, known as the Tatmadaw, is facing its biggest threat since it seized power two-and-a-half years ago. In a significant challenge, the military junta is battling ethnic insurgent groups to keep control of the country’s border towns.

Different groups of well-armed rebels have joined forces for the first time and are gaining ground to restore democratic rule. The violence is causing people to flee to neighboring countries, bringing internal unrest to the world stage.

After the takeover of the government by the Tatmadaw in a February 2021 coup, ethnic rebel groups based mainly in Myanmar’s peripheral regions have organized armed opposition to the junta. In recent advances, rebels have seized nearly a hundred outposts in the north of the country, including several vital towns and critical trade routes.
Myanmar offensive began last month in Shan State. Behind it is an alliance of three ethnic armies. They aim to overthrow the military junta and restore democratic rule. Their gains have encouraged resistance forces elsewhere in the country, seizing several towns.

The military-govt of President Myint Swe has warned country is in danger of breaking apart, saying that Myanmar would “split into various parts” if the govt “did not effectively manage incidents happening in the border region.”

They (rebels) have seized over 8,000 square (?) kilometers and advances were made over a set of four offensives up till now. The first was on October 27 during Operation 1027, undertaken by the “Three Brotherhood Alliance” comprising three ethnic groups — the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), and the Arakan Army (AA), in northern Shan State. Amongst the Brotherhood alliances were fighters from Rakhine state, situated further SouthWest of the country.

This was followed by a second offensive, ‘Operation 1107’, undertaken on November 7, in which the Karreni resistance forces captured at least two military bases in the southeastern Kayah State. Operation 1107 was launched to liberate Kayah State and support the resistance’s advance to Pyinmana, near the junta’s Naypyitaw fortress.
Has the Three Brotherhood Alliance's Operation 1027 turned the tide against the military junta in Myanmar's civil war?

Has the Three Brotherhood Alliance's Operation 1027 turned the tide against the military junta in Myanmar's civil war?

An "unprecedented" surprise offensive launched by a coalition of ethnic-based armies and pro-democracy fighters in Myanmar's north has some observers convinced the country's ruling junta is likely to be defeated.

While war is not over, independent researcher and analyst Matthew Arnold said in an opinion story for The Irrawaddy, "its trajectory has shifted steeply in favour of the resistance".

So what happening in Myanmar, tide turned? (Yes or No) Or...) the country's long-running civil war? WATCH...for latest news.

Myanmar has been in turmoil since the military ousted a government led by Nobel peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi in a 2021 coup Confused

Myanmar has been in turmoil since the military ousted a government led by Nobel peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi in a 2021 coup
Junta soldiers have blocked highways and waterways throughout western Myanmar’s Rakhine state, halting the flow of medicine, fuel and other basic commodities as the regime contends with renewed attacks from the Arakan Army, an ethnic rebel group, several local residents told Radio Free Asia on Monday.

Troops have set up security checkpoints on roads linking towns and villages in both southern and northern Rakhine state, and the drivers of buses and cargo trucks have been stranded on the roadside after being denied access to the Sittwe-Yangon highway.

“They said that the blockade will be lifted only when security returns to normal,” the driver of a passenger bus who requested anonymity for security reasons told RFA. “So, we prepare our meals here.”

The road and waterway closures began on Nov. 13, shortly after the Arakan Army ended a year-old ceasefire when it attacked police outposts and junta convoys in Rathedaung and Minbya townships.

The offensive in Rakhine state coincided with the Arakan Army’s participation in Operation 1027 – named after the Oct. 27 start of the military offensive – as part of the “Three Brotherhood Alliance” with two other armed ethnic groups against the military in Shan state in the north

Civil World War I?


GOOD....very good

China Friend's...wahaha....

(22-11-2023, 10:00 PM)Sharexchange Wrote:  China Friend's...wahaha....
Their offensive has been met with airstrikes by the military, reports junta chief Min Aung Hlaing vowing to counter their advances. It remains to be seen. On Monday, UN warned the heavy fighting had caused civilian casualties and displaced more than 30,000 people.

A group of activists call on the US govt to sanction Moge in Tokyo, Japan. US sanctions Myanmar’s junta-controlled state oil and gas enterprise

Tar Parn La, a spokesperson and deputy general of Ta’ang National Liberation Army, one of three groups forming the Brotherhood Alliance, which led the operation, told the Guardian it had taken more than 100 military outposts. It is not possible to verify this claim.

Military conceded week that it had lost several towns, including strategic town Chinshwehaw, which borders China’s Yunnan province. Between April and Sept this year, more than a quarter of Myanmar’s $1.8bn worth of border trade with China passed through the town.

The escalation in fighting has underlined Myanmar’s strained relations with Beijing
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Fight ah fight...singapore dollar stronger betterer

Myammer Civil War... crying
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(23-11-2023, 04:27 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Myammer Civil War... crying
Very informative updates. 👏

(23-11-2023, 05:00 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  Very informative updates. 👏
Myanmar news. ---- Junta threatens businesses stock military-made products amid boycotts, the regime’s move to compel stores & restaurants to carry their brands is an apparent response to substantial revenue losses incurred Sa Tun Aung Sept-19, 2023. Protesters hold placards urging public to boycott military-owned products in 2021 (
Faced with unprecedented revenue losses in the 2.5 years since seizing power. The military council is seeking out to intimidating merchants who are not selling military-manufactured goods targeted by public boycotts.

According to several leaked documents from junta authorities at the regional and state level, Now seen military council issued internal directive on Sept-5 to investigate which stores & shops in their respective territories are not selling “certain” telephone SIM cards and goods.
“It necessary to identify big stores and certain retail shops engaging in discriminatory practices with their goods, and to determine whether the identified shops have any direct or indirect connections to terrorist organisations? or are providing support to such organisations?,” a letter issued by the junta’s administrative council of Mandalay Region said. Noted: Some shops have even displayed signs to advertise their refusal to sell those products, the letter noted. Myanmar Now understands that the motive of the ordered investigations is to compel merchants to sell goods produced by military-owned businesses.

Now a nationwide, non-violent resistance movement is surged throughout Myanmar. Tongue Big Grin
When news broke early this week that resistance forces had arrested Myanmar regime pilot Major Khaing Thant Moe, most Myanmar people were thrilled, and immediately wondered what kind of punishment he would earn.

The 43-year-old served in the junta’s notorious Myanmar Air Force (MAF), which has waged a bloody campaign of air strikes against civilians and resistance forces across the country since the coup in 2021. According to the latest available figures, the MAF carried out 1,427 air strikes across Myanmar, killing at least 634 civilians, including children, between the coup and April this year.

Karenni youth fight for freedom at the cost of their lives and limbs. Fighters in Karenni State, now unable to take part in combat due severe battle wounds, remain more strongly committed than ever to resisting the military dictatorship

(23-11-2023, 05:00 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  Very informative updates. 👏
China’s military will begin “combat training activities” from Nov 25 on its side of the border with Myanmar, it said on social media, a day after a convoy of trucks carrying goods into the neighbouring South-east Asian nation went up in flames. As incident where Myanmar state media called an insurgent attack? amid insecurity concerns in China, As envoy met top officials in Myanmar’s capital for talks on border stability.

Training aims to “test rapid manoeuvrability at border sealing & fire strike capabilities,” the Southern Theatre Command, one of the five border in China’s People’s Liberation Army, said on WeChat messaging app.

The brief statement gave no details of timing or numbers of troops.

China’s PLA starts live-fire drills with Myanmar in border security test as junta-rebel clashes escalate. Drills on Chinese side of border aim to test ‘rapid mobilising, border sealing, and fire strike’ powers, PLA’s Southern Theatre Command says. China has urged Myanmar to guarantee border safety and stability as the junta loses ground to armed rebel groups since clashes broke out in October

Brotherhood Alliance is marching towards the capital of Kokang Self-Administered Zone – Laukkai Town – after seizing the last junta miliary bases in the southwest of Laukkai Township on Friday.

Control of Kokang, which borders China in northern Shan State, has shifted back and forth between ethnic Kokang people and Myanmar’s military over the decades.

Myanmar news in video why is India seeing...

Myanmar armed group seizes China-Myanmar border crossing. Roughly 120 trucks, parked near the border crossing, went up in flames earlier in the week, with the junta blaming armed groups. REUTERS.UPDATED 26 NOV 2023

As ethnic minority armed group in Myanmar seized control country’s ruling junta lucrative border crossing to China, local media says security clashes raged across Myanmar’s northern Shan state, close to Chinese border, after an armed alliance of three ethnic minority groups launched an offensive against military in October. The groups have seized dozens of military positions and town important for trade with China, choking commerce routes for the cash-strapped junta.

As Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) 1 of 3 allied groups captured Kyin San Kyawt border gate, says local media outlet affiliated with the group “MNDAA also reported seized 1-more border trade gate, which is called Kyin San Kyawt, in Mongko area, Muse district,” Kokang news outlet reported added alliance including Arakan Army & Ta’ang Nat Liberation Army had taken other post in the border trade zone after the assault.
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More than 100 cargo trucks were destroyed in an attack on junta troops guarding the Jin San Jiao (Kyin San Kyawt) border gate to China in northern Shan State last week, according to local merchants.

Financial losses amounted to about 30 billion kyats, or over US$ 14.33 million at the official exchange rate, according to sources in the border trade zone.

Myanmar Junta Continues to Suffer Defeats a Month Into Operation 1027. Unable to reclaim its lost ground, and with fighting escalating on multiple fronts, the regime has been reduced to beefing up defenses in its fortress. Irrawaddy NOVEMBER 27, 2023

Myanmar Civil War... crying


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