Civil War in Myanmar

Myanmar: Young people attempt to flee ahead of conscription order.

A deadly stampede outside a passport office that took two lives and unending lines outside embassies - these are just some examples of what has been happening in Myanmar since the announcement of mandatory conscription into the military.

Myanmar's military government is facing increasingly effective opposition to its rule and has lost large areas of the country to armed resistance groups.

On 1 February 2021, the military seized power in a coup, jailing elected leaders and plunging much of the country into a bloody civil war that continues today.

Thousands have been killed and the UN estimates that around 2.6 million people been displaced.

As conscription looms, are forced to choose flight or fight?. Only one thing in their mind, is refusal to fight for regime that thrown their country into chaos.

2-weeks after Myanmar’s military junta announced plans to begin forcing young people to join its army’s depleted ranks, many are growing increasingly desperate to find some way to avoid this fate ahead of a recruitment drive expected to begin in April.

The regime says that under the 2010 People's Military Service Law, as many as 14 million Myanmar nationals are eligible for the draft. Most would be required to provide two years of military service—or up to five years in the event of a “national emergency.”

Women who make up more then half of it figure will be called up anytime soon, the junta spokesperson Zaw Min Tun, announcement has alarmed everyone of draft age, as well as their families.

Thet Thet, a resident of Yangon’s Thaketa Township, said she has already begun looking for ways to get her 21. Myanmar’s junta is up to its old tricks with attempt to play the ‘Suu Kyi card’

They have lists of everyone’s names’: Myanmar conscription law unleashes wave of fear. Potential conscripts fear they could be forced to carry out atrocities or be used as human shields by the military.

Passport offices and embassies in Myanmar have been flooded with applications, with a queue of more than a thousand people on a single day trying to secure a visa for neighbouring Thailand. Helplines offering advice on ways to leave the country – how to manage checkpoints, what documents are needed – have been inundated.

Across Myanmar, the young and middle aged, both men and women, are desperately searching for ways to flee their homes, after it was announced the military junta will impose a mandatory conscription law from mid-April. The law, which would force people to serve a military many despise, has sent a wave of terror across the country.

“If I joined the military, I would have to fight my own people. I do not want to do that,” says Thura, who spoke under a fake name, from Shan State. “The military is infamous – they are killing people, arresting people, doing so many unjust things.”

As junta falters, Myanmar’s communists look to make a comeback

Three decades after its collapse, the Communist Party of Burma is once again part of the struggle against military oppression

Kachin Independence Army Attacks Myanmar Junta Strongholds in Jade Hub. The KIA says it is attacking regime bases across Hpakant Township in Kachin State.
Arakan Army Claims Control of Last Major Myanmar Junta Base in Minbya, the Arakan Army (AA) on Tuesday claimed to have taken complete control of the junta’s 9th Central Military Training School based in Minbya Township, Rakhine State after 10 days of intense fighting.

Located in the foothills of the Arakan (Yoma) mountains, the training school was the last major junta stronghold in Minbya Township. It was surrounded and protected by over a dozen junta bases and outposts.

(28-02-2024, 11:00 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  As junta falters, Myanmar’s communists look to make a comeback

Three decades after its collapse, the Communist Party of Burma is once again part of the struggle against military oppression
Operation 1027 moves Myanmar civil war closer to a tipping point. The 3-Brotherhood Alliance has rendered junta incapable of achieving its goals.

Feb. 27 marks 4-months since launch of Operation 1027, a game-changing offensive against Myanmar military regime by the Three Brotherhood Alliance of ethnic armies in the north of the country.

The alliance of three ethnic resistance organizations – the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), and the Arakan Army (AA) – had been broadly supportive of the National Unity Government (NUG), the shadow opposition.

But it was not formally allied with the nationwide opposition network, and until late-2023, the three rebel armies fought the Myanmar military only in self-defense.

However, 4-months of Three Brotherhood attacks across north and west of the country have rendered the military junta incapable of achieving its goals as it enters fourth year after its February 2021 coup in a very weak situation. Confused

Myanmar junta soldiers and police in Mrauk-U Township have confessed to involvement in the execution of seven Rakhine civilians, including a former journalist and rapper, in an Arakan Army (AA) video.

The detainees said the seven civilians were held at Mrauk-U police station before they were taken to Light Infantry Battalion 378 headquarters in late December.

Myanmar Junta Loses Over a Dozen Troops in Four Days of Clashes With Resistance
By The Irrawaddy MARCH 1, 2024 88

The Irrawaddy’s latest roundup includes incidents in Rakhine and Kachin states, Magwe, Sagaing and Tanintharyi regions, and the junta’s administrative capital Naypyitaw
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Myanmar Jade War: Junta Battling Intensely to Keep Hilltop Outpost. The military is doing all it can to defend a major hilltop outpost in Kachin State’s jade mining hub as joint attacks by Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and a People’s Defense Force (PDF) on the outpost continue for sixth consecutive day, residents and resistance fighters say.

Control of Myanmar’s lucrative jade mining hub in Hpakant Township is at stake. About 70% of the world’s supply of jadeite comes from Myanmar.

Myanmar Rights Groups Call for UN Action on Conscription.

A total of 397 civil society organizations have called on the United Nations Security Council to take action to stop the junta’s forced conscription in Myanmar.

The statement on Friday said forced conscription will exacerbate already unprecedented violence caused by the junta’s national terror campaign.

More news from Myanmar's - Irrawaggy news on fight in Myanmar.

(03-03-2024, 11:10 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  More news from Myanmar's - Irrawaggy news on fight in Myanmar.
Myanmar Junta Cries Foul as Thai Parliament Hosts Anti-Regime Figures By Irrawaddy MARCH 4, 2024.

Members of the shadow National Unity Govt attended a seminar at Parliament House in Bangkok led by a Thai opposition lawmaker over the regime’s strenuous objections.

KIA Seizes Three Hilltop Bases From Myanmar Junta in Kachin State. Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and its allies seized three strategic hilltop outposts from the junta military in Mansi Township in Kachin State’s Bhamo District on Sunday afternoon, according to KIA soldiers and resistance forces on the ground.

On March 1, the KIA and the Kachin People’s Defense Force (KPDF) started launching attacks on the three outposts on Maji Gung Hill near Tamaw Village in Mansi.

Troops from the junta’s Infantry Battalions 102 and 250 and Light Infantry Battalion 427 were stationed at the outposts.

“It took three days for us to be able to completely seize all the outposts. We also seized two 105-mm howitzers and many other arms and pieces of ammunition,” said a KIA officer on the ground.

The Irrawaddy- Home News (Burma)
KIA Seizes Three Hilltop Bases From Myanmar Junta in Kachin State. Si Kham Gyi base in Mansi is seen on Feb. 22 after being seized from junta forces by the KIA. / KIA

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and its allies seized three strategic hilltop outposts from the junta military in Mansi Township in Kachin State’s Bhamo District on Sunday afternoon, according to KIA soldiers and resistance forces on the ground.

On March 1, the KIA and the Kachin People’s Defense Force (KPDF) started launching attacks on the three outposts on Maji Gung Hill near Tamaw Village in Mansi. ‘First We Killed Her Mother’ – Myanmar Soldier Confesses to Gang Rape

‘No Breakthrough’ in Fresh Talks Between Myanmar’s Brotherhood Alliance and Junta During the fighting, a KIA officer was killed and five KPDF members were injured, while the junta’s military suffered many casualties.

Clashes between the junta’s military and combined forces of the KIA and PDF also intensified in the area around Tar Ma Khan Village in Hpakant Township on Sunday and Monday. A junta military column was ambushed by the KIA on Sunday after the column raided Tar Ma Khan Village and torching houses there, according to residents.

The junta has cut off internet services in all townships in Kachin State since Friday, including the capital Myitkyina.

The KIA and its allies started attacking the junta outposts in Mansi Township in January. Mansi is located on the border with northern Shan State and is considered strategically important by both sides.

Within two months the KIA and its allies have seized the Kai Htik, Balawng Dingsa and Si Khan Gyi outposts, and in Man Wein Gyi Village they have seized a police station, a military outpost and a border gate.

ASEAN Kana Blasted For Legitimizing Myanmar’s Junta, Again.

ASEAN’s appointment of Myanmar’s junta to coordinate relations between Russia and the regional bloc legitimizes its campaign of murder and atrocities, Justice for Myanmar said.

“The move by ASEAN legitimizes the junta as if it were the government of Myanmar and supports its deepening relationship with the Russian regime, which is the junta’s biggest supplier of arms,” the research and advocacy group said in a recent statement

(06-03-2024, 10:16 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  ASEAN Kana Blasted For Legitimizing Myanmar’s Junta, Again.

ASEAN’s appointment of Myanmar’s junta to coordinate relations between Russia and the regional bloc legitimizes its campaign of murder and atrocities, Justice for Myanmar said.

Ask Justice for Myanmar to go and fxxk cockroach lah!  Rotfl

Arakan Army seizes control of key town near Rakhine capital Sittwe. The regime responded to the capture of its last base in Ponnagyun by carrying out air and artillery attacks, according to locals.

Arakan Army (AA) says that it has captured the last remaining junta base near Ponnagyun, giving it full control of the town about 20 miles northeast of the Rakhine State capital Sittwe.

In a statement released on Monday, the group said that the base, under Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 550, fell after 11 days of fighting that began on February 23.

In response, the regime carried out 12 airstrikes in the area beginning at around 5pm, the statement added.

According to a local woman, a factory and several houses were damaged by the regime’s retaliatory actions.“The AA captured the town by around 1pm and the airstrikes started at 4 or 5pm. Later in the night, they also fired three heavy artillery shells from Padaleik Ward in Sittwe,” said the woman.

She added that she also saw some of the weapons and ammunition captured from the LIB. .
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AA Seizes Ponnagyun, Stepping Stone to Capital of Myanmar’s Rakhine State. Arakan Army (AA) has seized Rakhine State’s Ponnagyun town after defeating the military junta’s 550th Infantry Battalion in the battle for the town on Monday, the ethnic armed organization said.

Ponnagyun is just 33 km northeast of the state capital Sittwe, which is currently surrounded by AA forces, a Sittwe resident said.
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Bombs Hit China. Escalates in Myanmar’s Kachin State. 

KIA’s headquarters is in Lazia. The junta’s military is pounding the headquarters of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) near the border with China after losing 10 outposts and two bases to the KIA yesterday and today, some bombs are hitting China.

Artillery shells and at least three bombs hit [territory in] China.” A video recorded by a resident of the Chinese side of the border and shared online shows a column of smoke rising on the Chinese side of the border. The video says the smoke is from a Myanmar military airstrike.

Jet fighter jets have been flying above Laiza since early morning today, residents say. The Arakan Army also said its troops are fighting side by side with KIA troops near Lazia.  In a statement released yesterday evening, it said its troops had joined the KIA and its allies in Thursday’s attacks on junta outposts near Lazia.  It has joined attacks against junta units in Kachin State’s Momauk township, the statement said.

Fighting is most intense near Lazia town, along the road connecting Bhamo town with the state capital Myitkyina. On Thurs, KIA & allies launched simultaneous attacks on about a dozen military outposts near Laiza, seizing@least 10 posts

Putposts located along a 120-mile road that swerves near border with China and connects Bhamo town with the state capital, Myitkyina. Lazia is about midway between them, road cuts through three townships: Bhamo, Momauk and Waingmaw.

The KIA and its allies also captured the base of Infantry Battalion 142 in Dawthponeyan town at about 11 a.m. today, residents of the town near Lazia said. They said KIA troops and their allies captured the battalion base and that all its troops surrendered. The junta troops waved white flags after they were attacked, the residents said.

Kachin media outlets also reported that Infantry Battalion 142’s base was captured by the KIA and allies. The KIA has not confirmed the capture of the base or said how many junta troops surrendered.
Residents nearby say more than 100 junta troops are usually stationed at the base in the Dawthponeyan town, which is on the Myitkyina-Bhamo road.

The KIA also seized a mountaintop base near Laiza after defeating junta troops at 10 camps defending it, KIA spokesman Colonel Naw Bu told The Irrawaddy evening news: Shell has reportedly killed three civilians in Lazia and a nearby camp for internally displaced persons since Thursday.  A 30-year-old woman and her 10-yr old son were killed by shells that exploded in residential ward of Laiza yesterday. One life was also lost when a junta artillery shell exploded near Mong Lia Khet camp for internally displaced persons.

Civilians have been targeted by the junta’s military since fighting erupted between the junta’s military and the KIA near Laiza last June.

YOUR THOUGHTS …Tags: Arakan Army, China, Kachin Independence Army Kachin State Myanmar war. In Myanmar, Thousands of Female Political Prisoners Spend Int’l Women’s Day Behind Bars
Over 200 Myanmar Journalists Jailed Since 2021 Coup, Says Watchdog. The Irrawaddy news.

KIA and allies seize three large Myanmar army bases near Laiza. There were also reports of junta artillery shells fired at the KIA headquarters landing on the Chinese side of the border.

There were also reports of junta artillery shells fired at the KIA headquarters landing on the Chinese side of the troops in northern Shan State’s chin Independence Army (KIA) says it has captured three major army bases and more than 10 smaller camps since the start of a new and its allies have been carrying out coordinated attacks  on junta targets along the road from the Kachin State capital Myitkyina to the town of Bhamo, some 120 miles to the south, since early Thursday morning.

The road lies just west of Laiza, a town on the Myanmar-China border that serves as the KIA’s main base of operations. The Arakan Army (AA), an allied group, is also headquartered there.

AA and a number of other organisations, including People’s Defence Force formed a shadow KIA’s main base of operations. The Arakan Army (AA), an allied group
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Kachin offensive opens new front for overstretched Myanmar junta forces. The Kachin Independence Army adds its weight to the opposition campaign against the military regime.

While the Three Brotherhood Alliance move to consolidate territorial gains in northern Shan state, and the Arakan Army continues their attacks across Rakhine state, a new offensive against Myanmar’s junta has begun in Kachin state this month.

On March 7, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA)  launched an offensive and quickly captured three military junta bases and 11 small outposts along the 120 km-long (72-mile) Myitkyina-Bhampo highway, parallel to the Chinese border. The KIA has sought to both neutralize threats to their capital and control the trade and movement along the highway.

The military has responded with a spasm of air and artillery assaults into Lai Zar, the seat of the KIA’s headquarters. The KIA is now on the outskirts of Myitkyina, the capital and economic hub of Kachin state.

The KIA’s offensive deserves close attention for five reasons.

First, although the KIA was one of the first ethnic resistance organizations to join with the National Unity Government (NUG) and fight the junta after the Feb.1, 20921 coup d’etat, they have been less militarily active since the Three Brotherhood Alliance launched a coordinated offensive on Oct. 27, 2023 that has turned the tide against the junta in Shan state.

The Three Brotherhood Alliance – which includes the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) and the Arakan Army – took towns across northern Shan state.

In November, the Arakan Army broke their ceasefire with the government and swept across northern Rakhine. The AA is now in control of six townships, and is advancing on the capital. The military government is quickly trying to evacuate civil servants and some forces from Sittwe.

Shan ceasefire

In early January, China brokered a ceasefire between the Three Brotherhood Alliance and the State Administrative Council (SAC), as the junta is formally known.

The ceasefire in northern Shan State has largely held, and both the TNLA and the MNDAA have been focusing on consolidating power in the townships that they captured, imposing law and order, and providing social services.

Arakan Army Kills Another Myanmar Junta Lieutenant Colonel.

A Myanmar regime’s military has lost another lieutenant colonel, who was among many regime forces killed as they attempted to flee the advancing Arakan Army (AA) in Minbya Township, Rakhine State on Friday, the ethnic rebel army said.

The AA warned all regime forces in Rakhine State to raise the white flag or face death. Or else AA chased & attacked fleeing regime forces during its seizure of military division HQ in Kyauktaw township and the junta’s 9th Central Military Training School in Minbya Township, also captured a number of fleeing regime forces. Friday, AA troops found bodies of regime forces including Lieutenant Colonel Ye Htut Win, the head of 9th Military Training School’s administration dept, after a clash with retreating soldiers.

The ethnic army’s troops also rescued 20 villagers taken hostage by the killed lieutenant colonel & his group. AA complete control of school last remaining military stronghold in Minbya Township after over running a dozen military outposts surrounding it on Feb. 26 during 10 days of intense fighting.

Brigadier General Kyaw Htin, the principal of the school, and his wife reportedly escaped after fleeing the area. (Mon) They captured Light Infantry Battalion 550 HQ last remaining junta stronghold in Ponnagyun town.

AA troops killed the base’s tactical commander Colonel Myo Min Ko Ko and another senior officer, Major Saw Htwe, as well as Lieutenant Colonel Phyo Thu Aung, the commander of the junta’s Infantry Battalion 208, along with many other regime troops. Ponnagyun is not far from Rakhine State’s capital, Sittwe and on (Saturday), military bases in Sittwe shelled nearby Rathedaung town, burning over 10 civilian houses, the ethnic army said. The junta continued to bombard Ramree town from the sea and air on the same day.

The AA has waged a large-scale offensive against regime targets in Rakhine State and Paletwa Township in neighboring Chin State since Nov. 13 last year. It has seized over 170 junta strongholds and some nine towns. Several hundred regime forces including commanders have been captured along with their families.

After suffering a series of humiliating defeats, losing towns and troops, the junta has begun forcibly recruiting and training Rohingya people in Rakhine to fight for the regime.

Myanmar Junta Defends Bases on Thai Border With Shelling., junta bases near the Thai border in Karen State have been firing numerous shells since the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and its allies launched attacks on Thursday morning.

The Thingannyinaung bases between the border town of Myawaddy and Kawkareik are on the important Asia Highway to Thailand. Almost 7,000 villagers have left Myawaddy Township with many crossing the Moei River into Thailand.

On Saturday, a KNLA fighter said anti-regime forces attacked Infantry Battalions 356 and 357 in Thingannyinaung after they seized Infantry Battalion 355 and a police station. The regime reportedly responded with shelling.

He said arms and ammunition were taken from Battalion 355 and the police station was burned down while junta airstrikes continued until Wednesday.

Villagers cannot return while junta aircraft are bombing the village,” the KNLA representative added. Over 80 Thingannyinaung homes have been destroyed by junta bombing, he said. On Monday evening the KNLA and its resistance allies, including the Cobra Column, attacked the junta’s Pha Luu village base south of Myawaddy on the border.

According to the Cobra Column, junta troops abandoned the base after 10 minutes of fighting, seizing arms and ammunition, and the regime launched airstrikes in response.

Pha Luu on the banks of the Moei had more than 1,000 households with around 1,000 villagers crossing into Thailand, the armed group said. Pha Luu and Thingannyinaung villages have suffered from repeated junta airstrikes and shelling with fighting now spreading to Lat Khat Taung.

The Irrawaddy could not independently verify the reports

With the launch of a major offensive against junta military and Border Guard Police positions in most parts of northern Rakhine State on Nov. 13, the Arakan Army (AA) ended a yearlong ceasefire brokered with the regime on humanitarian grounds in 2022. Founded in 2009, the ethnic armed organization is the armed wing of the United League of Arakan and a member of the tripartite Brotherhood Alliance along with the Ta’ang National Liberation Army and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army.

Recent military actions are not limited to those two major offensives: AA is also fighting junta in other parts of the country, such as in Kachin State and Sagaing Region, coordinating with other armed groups including the Kachin Independence Army and the People’s Defense Force of the National Unity Government. People across Myanmar have been inspired by the AA’s progress, first as it seized towns in northern Shan State, and more recently by its amazing series of triumphs in its own Rakhine State.

The momentum of the war against the junta in Rakhine has increased rapidly with the AA seizing outposts and bases from the junta’s military almost daily. The AA has even been able to seize towns that until recently were firmly under control of the regime. Towns seized by the AA.

(14-03-2024, 04:21 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  With the launch of a major offensive against junta military and Border Guard Police positions in most parts of northern Rakhine State on Nov. 13, the Arakan Army (AA) ended a yearlong ceasefire brokered with the regime on humanitarian grounds in 2022. Founded in 2009, the ethnic armed organization is the armed wing of the United League of Arakan and a member of the tripartite Brotherhood Alliance along with the Ta’ang National Liberation Army and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army.

Recent military actions are not limited to those two major offensives: AA is also fighting junta in other parts of the country, such as in Kachin State and Sagaing Region, coordinating with other armed groups including the Kachin Independence Army and the People’s Defense Force of the National Unity Government. People across Myanmar have been inspired by the AA’s progress, first as it seized towns in northern Shan State, and more recently by its amazing series of triumphs in its own Rakhine State.

The momentum of the war against the junta in Rakhine has increased rapidly with the AA seizing outposts and bases from the junta’s military almost daily. The AA has even been able to seize towns that until recently were firmly under control of the regime. Towns seized by the AA.

[Image: Screenshot-20240314-162231-Chrome.jpg]

(28-02-2024, 11:00 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  As junta falters, Myanmar’s communists look to make a comeback

Three decades after its collapse, the Communist Party of Burma is once again part of the struggle against military oppression
The end of March marks the 60th anniversary of the first attempt to forge unity among Myanmar’s various Shan resistance forces. On March 25, 1964, representatives of the Shan State Independence Army (SSIA), the Shan National United Front (SNUF) and the Kokang Revolutionary Force (KRF) met at a secret hideout in the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai and decided to form the Shan State Army (SSA). The decision was made public in a village inside Shan State on April 24 – the official date of the founding of the SSA.

It looked promising. The SSA’s War Council was headed by Sao Nang Hearn Hkam, the Mahadevi of Yawnghwe and widow of Myanmar’s first president, Sao Shwe Thaik. She was also a well-known politician in her own right, having been an MP representing her home state Hsenwi and an outspoken proponent for federalism – which was abolished when General Ne Win seized power in a coup on March 2, 1962. That was also when one of her sons, 17-year-old Sai Myee, was killed and Sao Shwe Thaik was arrested in their home in Yangon. The former president died in jail in November of that year, presumed extrajudicially executed. Chao Tzang Yawnghwe, a young well-known academic and another of Sao Nang Hearn Hkam’s and Sao Shwe Thaik’s sons, became the SSA’s main theoretician.

The proliferation of groups, shifting alliances, and the wealth that could be generated through the opium trade threw Shan State into a cockpit of chaos and anarchy, which got worse over the years. And even the Myanmar military decided to jump on the opium bandwagon. There was not enough money in central coffers to sustain an effective counter-insurgency campaign, and the government was also tied up with political and economic problems closer to home. To fight the rebels, the military had in 1963 authorized the setting up of local, home-guard armies called Ka Kwe Ye (KKY; ‘defense’) – and these militias were given the right to use all government-controlled roads and towns in Shan State for opium trafficking in exchange for combating the rebels. By trading in opium, the military hoped that the KKY home guards would be self-supporting. Lo Hsing-han, the commander of Kokang KKY, and Zhang Qifu alias Khun Sa of Loi Maw KKY were among those who became rich on the deal.

That, however, did not solve the problems the government had with counter-insurgency finance, and the situation was getting out of control. The KKY militias were disbanded in January 1973, but that led only to even more confusion. Lo Hsing-han went underground and teamed up with the SSA, which agreed to shelter him – if he pledged to sell all his opium to the US government. Adrian Cowell, a British documentary filmmaker who spent 16 months with the SSA in 1972-73, helped the Shans draft a proposal to that effect to the US government. But just as Cowell was going to deliver it to the US embassy in Bangkok, Lo Hsing-han was arrested near the Shan border in northern Thailand – and extradited to Burma. He was sentenced to death, for ‘rebellion against the state’, a reference to his brief alliance with the SSA – but not for opium trafficking, which he had official permission to engage in.

But Lo was never executed. Instead, he was released during a 1980 amnesty and given two million kyats (a lot of money at that time) by the government to build a military camp southeast of Lashio. Called the Salween Village, it became the base for a new home guard unit, this time under the government’s new pyi thu sit (people’s militia) program, which had been launched after the disbandment of the old KKY. The new agreement was effectively the same as the former accord between the military and the local militias: fight the rebels and gain, in return, access to government-controlled roads and towns for smuggling.

0ther prominent KKY commander, Khun Sa, was arrested in 1969 after a meeting with representatives of the Shan resistance. His men subsequently went underground and, on April 16, 1973 kidnapped two Russian doctors from the Soviet-built hospital in Taunggyi. In exchange for their freedom, Khun Sa was released from jail in Mandalay on September 7, 1974. He rejoined his men in February 1976 and moved to Ban Hin Taek in northern Thailand. The former Loi Maw KKY was renamed the Shan United Army (SUA), ostensibly a rebel army fighting for the Shan cause.

Khun Sa / Hseng Noung Lintner
But his presence in Thailand became an embarrassment, and, in January 1982, Thai forces forced him and the SUA out of Ban Hin Teak. But they simply moved to the southwest and established a new headquarters at Homöng across the border from the town of Mae Hong Son in Thailand. To strengthen his credentials with the Thais, who are closely related to the Shans, he began to emphasize the supposedly Shan roots of his movement. The first step was to assassinate the SSA officers who had links with the Thai security establishment and replace them with his own. Already in early 1978, when he was still based on the Thai side of the border, the SSA’s two most competent military commanders, Sam Mong and Pan Aung, disappeared without a trace when they were on their way to meet the warlord at Ban Hin Taek. In May 1983, when Khun Sa was in the process of being established at Homöng, Hseng Harn, the SSA’s chief liaison officer with the Thais, was killed in his home in Chiang Mai. After that, a string of assassinations followed, and all the victims were SSA officers based in the border areas.

The next step was to merge the SUA with Moh Heng’s group, and a new entity called the Mong Tai Army (MTA) was formed. After the death of Moh Heng in July 1991, Khun Sa became the official leader of the MTA and its political wing, the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS). But, to the surprise of many, in January 1996, Khun Sa surrendered to the Myanmar military, disbanded his army, and moved to Yangon where he lived until his death on October 26, 2007. A faction of the MTA, led by a then junior officer called Yawd Serk, resurrected the old SURA and became head of the RCSS. Later, when his forces had grown into a formidable army, he named it the SSA as well. That has caused some confusion, and the media usually refer to Yawd Serk’s army as SSA-South while the original SSA is called SSA-North. But those names are not used by either of those armies.

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Fleeing Myanmar Junta Troops Blew up Bridges in Rakhine, Officer Confesses
MARCH 14, 2024 40

SSA/SSPP guerrillas crossing the Salween River. The original SSA, meanwhile, has gone through some good as well as bad times. On August 16, 1971, a political wing called the Shan State Progress Party (SSPP) was formed, and the movement appeared stable. But that changed when their opium proposal was eventually considered by the US government – and rejected. The SSA had hoped to get at least some moral support from the West, but when that failed, they turned to the CPB, which then supplied them with guns obtained from China. The alliance with the CPB caused a split within the SSA, and old leaders like Chao Tzang Yawnghwe and his close companion Sao Hseng Suk (Khun Kya Nu) retired in Chiang Mai. Chao Tzang later moved to Canada where he became a well-respected academic. He died there on July 24, 2004. Khun Kya Nu passed away in Chiang Mai on August 13, 2007.

Chao Tzang Yawnghwe / Hseng Noung Lintner
Today’s SSA/SSPP is closely allied with the CPB’s successor, the United Wa State Army (UWSA) and depends on it for military supplies. But, like the UWSA, it entered into a ceasefire agreement with the Myanmar military in 1989 and was then able to establish a headquarters at Wan Hai, a village in central Shan State. It has been under attack on several occasions, but, at least for now, the ceasefire seems to be holding. The RCSS, on its part, signed the military’s so-called ‘Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement’ (NCA) on October 15, 2015 and has since been preoccupied with real estate development in southern Shan State.

While the rest of the country is in turmoil, the Shan armies – whose combined strength could perhaps be as many as 20,000 troops – are staying in the background, not participating in the nationwide uprising against the junta that seized power in February 2021. There is heavy fighting in Shan State, but between the Myanmar military and Kachin, Palaung and Kokang forces in the north. Where that leaves the Shan armies in a nationwide context is hard to say, but the lack of activity on their part may cause bitterness and anger among the forces that are resisting the self-proclaimed State Administration Council (SAC) junta. The RCSS especially may even be seen as an ally of the junta. As recently as October 2023, Yawt Serk met SAC chairman Senior General Min Aung Hlaing in Naypyitaw where they, according to an official announcement, “cordially discussed the necessary measures for the peace and stability of Shan State and the nation.”

And, 60 years after the first attempt to unite the Shan forces under one command, they remain bitterly divided. There were even clashes between the RCSS/SSA and the SSPP/SSA when the former tried to take over areas in northern Shan State after it had signed the NCA – and that is definitely not what those who met in Chiang Mai in March 1964 had envisaged. But the rough and tumble of Shan politics is as old as the movement itself. And, today, there are no leaders like Chao Tzang Yawnghwe, who actually had a vision of what kind of political and federal system they should be fighting for.

Myanmar Junta Cuts Communications in Around 80 towns: Blackouts are imposed but not uniformly with most townships losing both internet and phone lines but, but in others only mobile internet was blocked & elsewhere weak or slow signals continued.

junta has cut off internet and phone lines in around 80 townships across the country, according to Athan, a freedom of expression organization.

All 17 Rakhine townships were hit by communication blackouts and 27 out of 34 townships in Sagaing Region and five out of seven Kayah State townships were included in the list, the group reported. Townships from Shan, Chin, Kachin and Mon states and Tanintharyi, Magwe, Bago and Ayeyarwady regions were also included.

Junta Watch: Rising Conscription Panic; Hospital Bombing Cover-Up; and More...

Myanmar junta officials began collecting personal details of citizens eligible for compulsory military service this week, triggering widespread alarm in cities. Detailed data collection processes are now underway in Naypyitaw and Yangon, in particular. 

On Friday, junta-controlled newspapers sought to quell any panic by denying that registration papers were being delivered and dismissing the reports as fake news.

Contrary to the denials, junta-appointed Yangon Region chief minister presided over meeting to coordinate conscription on Thursday, he called for complete accuracy in data collection. As officials have duly begun distributing military service registration forms to households.

A registration form seen by The Irrawaddy asks for personal details covering 25 areas, including name, address, ID number, educational qualification, occupation, health condition, and marital status.

In some wards, admin are using megaphones to urge eligible residents to register. In others, a lottery system is being used to select draftees.

The regime has apparently been busy preparations for 5-weeks since it introduced mandatory military service. Meanwhile, massive numbers of young people are leaving the country to avoid conscription under a junta widely reviled for its atrocities against Myanmar’s people. 

Regime is massacring the truth

Their hands were bound tightly behind their backs for the night. They heard they were going to be executed the next morning. U Maung Khin Swe recalls a junta officer ordering his men to kill him and nine other civilians captured by retreating junta troops in Rakhine State’s Minbya Township for use as porters and human shields. He believes the officer was the commander... crying

Timeline: Myanmar Junta Fast-Tracks Conscription Law Implementation, moving quickly to enforce the People’s Military Service Law is introduced into mandatory military service a little more than a month ago—an indication of the serious personnel shortage it faces as its continues its multi-front war with revolutionary groups across the country.

The regime has organized rallies and propaganda campaigns to encourage public acceptance of the law to justify it on the international stage, arranged venues for training potential conscripts & prepared a bylaw (now in its third draft), and has begun registering eligible individuals.

Insight 2023/2024 - The Fractured State Of Myanmar. 16 Feb 2024 

For months, junta has lost ground in Myanmar, as ethnic rebel forces capture town after town. Whether the military govt is defeated, or truce is established, Myanmar may not be the same.

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