Civil war in the United States is far more likely than you think..

Civil war in the United States is far more likely than you think. In fact, it may have already begun.

America’s heavily armed far-right extremists fit the mold of those who’ve started insurrections in other countries
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How Likely Is A New U.S. Civil War? | The Mehdi Hasan Show

《谦秋论》赖岳谦 第三百一十四集|美内部矛盾恶化!爆发内战只差一根火柴!

If Far-Right Groups Are Bankrupted By Jan. 6 Lawsuit, ‘So Be It,’ Says D.C. AG

America's Second Civil War!

(13-01-2022, 11:31 AM)kokee Wrote:  cut pay all over in china, not only govt servant. Job lost like crazy due to foreign factories moving out, ton of bankrupt like property developers, all know what happen to all the high tech firms like alibaba, tencent, huawei. Now hard for them to steal technology, also cut off tie with the world plus pokai liao.
so this is xi share common wealth or poverty?
but switzerland just gave out the list of 100 most wealthiest china account in swiss, $7.8 trillion, crazy huge, bribery? black money? rich or politicians? fun.
these money exclude their asset in US & all over the world, the amount probably bigger than in swiss.
businessman earn money? my foot.





why almost all china leaders & rich keep their famly members & wealth oversea? dont trust china system or RMB? no confidence to their fate & prepare to run road? so obvious that they know is not sustainable? better grab & ready to run anytime?
US stock & property near historical high today, china property & stock are melting down like ice cream, so who will have civil war? ton of china people are jobless now, lost their wealth due to property price dive down, they are ill treated without freedom, humanity & human right during covid, who will stand forward to have civl war? those who know china history, hundreds of time they topple regime when most have lost eveything. like commnist russia 30 yrs ago?

中共承認 隨時可能像蘇共一樣崩潰

中共承認 隨時可能像蘇共一樣崩潰

Kokee aka Century aka Alam loves China so much ah?

People talk about America, he die die must bring in China?  Rotfl

Wait for revelation prediction  to come true first one by one. Epidemic already come true.

so now that Trump is out, is he left or right? Rotfl

Congress worried Civil War coming to U.S. over Trump raid, Putin warns Ukraine over nuclear attacks

FBI goes on high alert as Civil War chatter EXPLODES over Trump raid | Redacted with Clayton Morris

China and Russia can sell them weapons.
Kokee no more angmo coks to suck.

dont know what rubbish lies on civil war these dogs want to lie & bark here!
democratic is the best political system in the world today, people with different belief rule the country & the country serve the people!
so US, a democratic country form by 2 or more party, they fight each other, they debate for the best solution for the people, check & balanced to ensure no manipulation of law to treat all people equally!
opposition party fight is norm, not civil war!
unlike lawless communism dictatorship, no freedom & human right which comie dogs here & their supporters support to have slavery life for themselves & their family!



(12-08-2022, 11:51 AM)kokee Wrote:  dont know what rubbish lies on civil war these dogs want to lie & bark here!
democratic is the best political system in the world today, people with different belief rule the country & the country serve the people!
so US, a democratic country form by 2 or more party, they fight each other, they debate for the best solution for the people, check & balanced to ensure no manipulation of law to treat all people equally!
opposition party fight is norm, not civil war!
unlike lawless communism dictatorship, no freedom & human right which comie dogs here & their supporters support to have slavery life for themselves & their family!


[Image: 40-CFEE5-E-4085-4-E41-BD81-A6-EDD89978-EF.jpg]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts 

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

Suspect killed after attempted attack on FBI building

The unidentified man, wearing body armor, was shot by police near Cincinnati after raising a gun toward officials.

An armed man suspected of attempting an attack on an FBI building in Cincinnati on Thursday morning was later shot and killed by police, according to the Ohio Highway State Patrol.

Highway patrol identified the deceased Friday morning as 42-year-old Ricky W. Shiffer, from Columbus, Ohio.

220812 -2【风景线,将越来越美】【川粉被击毙,共和党召开记者会,绝不善罢甘休】【两党斗争你死我活】【寒梅视角】

GOP Casts Trump as Victim, Attacks FBI in Midterm Rally Cry

FBI searched Mar-a-Lago in probe of missing classified records

Trump has portrayed search as effort to keep him from running

A day after federal agents searched Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home as part of a widening investigation, there were few signs that Republicans were ready to distance themselves from the former president.

Instead, everyone from the Republican National Committee to potential 2024 presidential primary rivals like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis echoed Trump’s assertion that the Justice Department’s search was politically motivated, casting him as a political martyr.


If the investigation doesn’t produce evidence of what the public perceives as serious wrongdoing, it could help Trump’s endorsed candidates in November and give him a boost in 2024.

Trump will use this FBI search to mess up the country.

美國“內戰”爆發!拜登下令“逮捕”川普 共和黨2024總統候選人面臨10年徒刑 川普支持者襲擊聯邦調查局激戰7小時 拜登為自己不被共和黨“清算”先發製人 美國民主活成了自己最討厭的樣子

天天硬事2308期——01 美国FBI表示从特朗普海湖庄园中搜出11份机密文件,共和党若无反应民主党拜登坐收渔利,不管谁赢美国在打开一扇无法关闭的大门 02 东盟特快试运行,可从中国四川直达马来西亚

If Trump is sentenced to jail, Civil War May break out.

(13-08-2022, 10:41 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  If Trump is sentenced to jail, Civil War May break out.

If that happens, the sure way out is to divert attention. They may start a war with China.

(14-08-2022, 09:32 AM)Migrant Wrote:  If that happens, the sure way out is to divert attention. They may start a war with China.

Obviously Biden, the court and FBI work together to eliminate Trump before the midterm election so that Biden can win the election in 2024.

(14-08-2022, 09:58 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Obviously Biden, the court and FBI work together to eliminate Trump before the midterm election so that Biden can win the election in 2024.

Deep State is worried that Trump may become POTUS again.

(14-08-2022, 10:08 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Deep State is worried that Trump may become POTUS again.

[Image: 19-E2-C3-DC-F598-4-E38-A50-E-8-B20-B8-EDAA38.jpg]


(14-08-2022, 10:14 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  [Image: 19-E2-C3-DC-F598-4-E38-A50-E-8-B20-B8-EDAA38.jpg]

This guy imo is a real SATAN. Better pray the stupid Americans dun voted him in.... Rolleyes

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

220815 -1【美丽风景线】【国会山,又一个川粉的倒下】【FBI和国安部联合发布全国警告,内战或武装叛乱】【寒梅视角】

过去6年来信号快速出现 美国内战避无可避? | 八点最热报 16/08/2022

[Image: ?]
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