Coach passengers say they received no help after serious accident in Malaysia

Lok Jian Wen
UPDATED JUL 14, 2023, 7:11 PM SGT

SINGAPORE – Two passengers who survived a fatal accident during a journey from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur on Monday said they had received no help from the tour bus companies involved.

The passengers, who were discharged from a hospital in Seremban on Thursday, told The Straits Times that they were left to their own devices after the accident in which two people were killed.

Not only did they have to find their own way to Kuala Lumpur, they were also asked to make claims with their own travel insurance providers, instead of counting on the tour bus companies to file a claim on their behalf.

If there's help then it's not Malaysia.

Tickets only cost around $20. What help they are expecting? Send limo to pick them up?

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