Communist Vs Demoncratic

Why Communist Gov take good care of its citizens? Good example is China....inflation is Zero for last 10 to 15 yrs. Public transport almost zero too.

Compared to SG? Gov treat its citizens as idiots and yet 60% believe they r good!

While it used to be different way of governing between communism and democracy, these days imo it's all capitalism at the biz and trade end. And communism or democracy is more of just how the govt is elected. How well the govt is doing is reflected on how well the citizens are doing.

You look at Singapore as a case study, decades ago the citizens are givers and not many require govt aid. You look at in recent years, more Singaporeans are getting aid from govt. The country is moving ahead based on the broad indicators such as GDP etc. But the people are just borderline surviving. I recall in one of the last few Budget statement, we are giving out financial aid to more than 1.2mil Singaporeans. Why so many Singaporeans left behind by the economic growth? Are we crowding out our own people so that a small portion of elites get super wealthy with cheap foreign labour and whatever loopholes they can profit from?

This is a very different situation as compared to the earlier 2 decades where foreigners were brought in to substantiate lack of workforce that Singaporeans are fully and well employed.

I won't say China has no issues. Surely pros and cons in every country and system. No end to this lah. Better think of how to do well for own family bah...

I like to try to answer that with my limited knowledge.

The Chinese government has managed to keep their cost low for that number of years as you’ve mentioned.

Reason simply because they have their means to provide within their country and more importantly their government remunerations were not increased at the rates as ours. And they are prepared to get a pay cut when they are into a bad economic times.

The Chinese government will also find avenues to keep cost low for businesses either local or foreign investment, just like many countries does, with either helps through subsidies or tax exemptions, etc. Even with the current pandemic state where logistic cost has increased by over 20% or more.

Putting aside those corruptions or hard handling that we ever so often heard about on the Chinese regimes were reported from media’s not within China or those oppositions within China. But during a crisis period, China has managed to pull though, and this may not necessary agreed by many outsiders. This pandemic has somewhat show China had handled it much better than many other countries.

Conversely looking into our country, we practically import most if not all of our consumable products and services. And our government take the easy way out by importing foreigners from third world countries, so as to bring our cost of labour low, but this can only last for some times. In long run this cost will rise again because of the rental, the essentials, etc which were increased in a scheduled manner by our government.

With this increase in revenues, our government enjoy large incomes that came from the contributions of the people who lives within this island. Our government will also justify the increase of their remunerations through the increase in revenue collected. Despite them already being paid the highest remunerations in the world.

And when crisis happened such as this pandemic, they cannot or maybe would not want to give too much slacks to the people. Although they still gives tax exemptions, subsidies, or helps across everyone within this island. But they will not give in too much in the name of keeping their leadership running a difficult times or keeping them out of corruptions during good times. Because they believed or make us believed with high remunerations these people who runs the country deserve it as well as will not consider corruptions in due course.

Therefore with such a high cost in running our country, and to maintain this number of high remuneration leaders. Our cost will need to keep high. And this is done with the excuse of import cost, the logistic cost and the operation cost has gone up.

The 60% whom you believed that they still supports the government. In my opinion, these people fear of losing, fear of changes and more importantly fear of uncertainty. Most people within this 60% supporters are complacent with how things are, because they fear changes with status quo.

These supporters will allow this government to run the country as they pleased with no accountability. As long as these supporters can go about with their lives, they will accept some inconveniences but as long as their benefits and well being are taking care of or remain the same…..they will not rock the boat. As such this ruling party will continue to be in power. Just my opinion.

Apologise for the long read, I don’t know how to keep thing short with my limited knowledge here. And I like to learn from you as well as the learned one here on what’s your view?

To me corruptions can be seen in many ways not just hidden. But if a so call believe Gov is very corrupted but look after its citizens well....I would love them.

On the other hand a Gov who systematically sucks the people's $$$ to themselves and their kakis are worsterest by 100x.

Just look at public transport fares in many 100x have they increased over 10yrs? But in China last 10 yrs transport fares were reversed and drop to almost ZERO. The HSR price in Chengdu I took 10 yrs ago till today remains at rmb 15 for 6 stations....2 hr journey. Why?
SG too poor or all the $$$ went somewhere?

Why SG gov so evil to force citizens over 50 yo to work till death while in China u don't even see them working?

The problems in our country does not lies with the government, in my opinion. It lies with the people here.

The government is running the way they “want” or “need” to, but if the people able to vote with their eyes open, things maybe better….just my opinion.

The people gave the mandate to this government to run the way it is.

(28-09-2021, 10:51 PM)kangtangman Wrote:  The problems in our country does not lies with the government, in my opinion. It lies with the people here.

The government is running the way they “want” or “need” to, but if the people able to vote with their eyes open, things maybe better….just my opinion.

The people gave the mandate to this government to run the way it is.

Not really the people gave the mandate lah. Its more like the vax thing. Create Fear! Then push the faults to the unvaxed.

Just ask those who voted they regret??....all the time!

Neither full communism nor full democracy is good. Too extreme. Walk the middle path.

(28-09-2021, 11:06 PM)Notdumb Wrote:  Not really the people gave the mandate lah. Its more like the vax thing. Create Fear! Then push the faults to the unvaxed.

Just ask those who voted they regret??....all the time!

Well as I have mentioned in my earlier posting here, I mentioned that these people fear of changes. They may be regretting but they continue to vote this ruling party in in every single elections. Even though they knew that we will be taken advantage of. 

Which brings me to blame on these people rather than the government. The government has to do everything to stay in power but the people have a choice and yet they continue to vote them in. Again this is just my opinion.

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