Concerns such as minorities, LGBTQ are important:Lawrence Wong

LBGTI is part of the Klaus schwab 's Great reset now in the final lapse
By all means show concern but b mindful of our children

Step aside Boy! With mortgage rates soaring with recession, isn’t this more urgent for PM Lee to handle.
[+] 1 user Likes Wy:Nox's post

we cannot bring up our children no 3 no 4
please someone convert to mandarin
if we got Boy we make him a MAN
if Girl we make her a woman

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-06-18-21-48-41.png]

Am I supposed to believe a person who follows his friends to the same school?

chao gay foreveralone got chance leow

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(18-06-2022, 08:28 PM)Wy:Nox Wrote:  Step aside Boy! With mortgage rates soaring with recession, isn’t this more urgent for PM Lee to handle.

Laolang is getting his priorities screwed. His concern should be on the vulnerable poor and elderly, not flaming gays etc.

The cost of living is oppressive, even plastic bags used for disposing garbage  cost 20 cents when they should be free [alrready paid for by consumer].

This is why I prefer Chan Chun Seng to lead Sinpwn. He is straitlaced and holds the right moral values. I really worry abt what will become of dis country when permissive woke ideology takes over.

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