Conditions supporting life on Mars may have existed much earlier than on Earth.

Danish planetary scientists believe that 4.5 billion years ago, Mars was covered by an ocean 300 m to 1 km thick. They also suggest that the conditions supporting life on Mars may have existed much earlier than on Earth.

Mars is known as the Red Planet, but it may have once been blue because of the water covering it, say experts at the University of Copenhagen.

Most experts agree that water once existed on Mars, but debate how much water there was.

Danish experts say that 4.5 billion years ago there was so much water that the entire planet was covered by an ocean at least 300 meters deep. The water was supposed to be accompanied by other compounds essential for life.

“At that time, Mars was being bombarded by asteroids full of ice. This was during the first 100 million years of the planet's evolution. Another interesting point of view is that asteroids often carried organic molecules that are important for the origin of life,” explains Prof. Martin Bizzarro, author of the paper published in the journal Science Advances.

Some people said there are still Martians living underground.

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