2nd batch of HK$5000 consumption vouchers to be disbursed in July

Residents can expect to receive the second half of the government’s latest round of consumption vouchers worth HK$5,000 in July, as Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po said more details will be released this week.

The latest round of the consumption voucher program worth a total of HK$10,000 was rolled out in March, with applicants receiving the first HK$5,000 through their registered e-payment platforms.

Together with two new online payment platforms, BoC Pay and PayMe, users could choose to collect their vouchers via a total of six platforms, including Alipay Hong Kong, Octopus, Tap & Go and WeChat Pay HK.

As compared to Singapore
13 May 2022

Singapore : "Up to 1.22 million Singaporean households will each get S$100 in digital vouchers, to be spent at hawker centres and neighbourhood stores.

People can claim both tranches of vouchers and can use them until the end of the year."


W T F is that?

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