Controversy and corruption surround suicide of Taiwanese official in Brazil

By Duncan DeAeth, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
2023/04/03 16:52

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — On March 10, 2023, a section leader at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Sao Paulo, Brazil, named Wang Chih-hua (王之化), fell to his death in a case of suspected suicide.

On April 3, a public statement from Wang’s widow, Yu Hui-min (俞惠敏), began to circulate online, stirring more questions about the official’s death. In her statement, Yu accused the head of the Sao Paulo TECO office, Feng Kwang-chung (馮光中) and others, of corruption and bullying in relation to Wang’s death.


The UDN report on the incident and Yu’s recent public statement suggested that Wang was under extreme stress due to exorbitant expenses used to repair and refurbish the official diplomatic residence of Feng Kwang-chung in Sao Paulo. It is reported that around US$400,000 (NT$12.2 million) was spent on repairing and refurbishing the residence.

According to the widow’s statement, Wang refused to hastily write-off these expenses, which brought him into conflict with Feng. Yu claimed that because of Wang’s reluctance to reimburse these funds, Feng threatened to use the incident to frame Wang for embezzlement. Alledgedly, his abusive work environment may have led to Wang's decision to take his own life.

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