Dangerous precedent set for Independent Directors

Independent directors' role has been largely governance and supervisory.

This is spelled out in the MAS' Code of Corporate Governance.

However, the Court of Appeal has dismissed this and holds the Independent Director equal and no less than a full-time Executive Director.

This is a very serious precedent and implication for all Independent Directors as their responsibilities and liabilities are now unlimited.

Do you still want to be an Independent Director?

nudie nudie nudie

looks like there are no Independent Directors here.........


All along there is " not such thing what individual independent this and that come things LINK with Any Gov related things " in SG

what " set up committee this and that LOL also own people "

Don't confuse independence with connection.

Of course all independent director need some introduction or connection (with the company) before they get appointed.

The point is that Independent Directors serve a "watchdog" function.

The Appeal Court decision in a recent case rules or ignore the difference between an Independent Director and an Executive Director/management.

This is so crazy and dangerous.  Laughing

It is good. Because most independent directors just take money but never do anything. If anything goes wrong they'll shirk the responsibility.

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