Coronavirus: Xian officials sacked over handling of outbreak as cases fall below 100

Coronavirus: Xian officials sacked over handling of outbreak as cases fall below 100

xian is in war stage now, no food, lockdown worse than slavery, people start to run away from quarentine center & get out of the city themselves due to super bad condition, eat pet dogs, barter trade for starve, xian people agitated & riot, ccp army are in, deputy pm kena, whole city like hell now, more to come, xian is the backbone nerve of china, xian down, dragon gone.

西安饥民暴动,大量武警镇压!吃宠物吃盆栽,以物易物,西安人饥饿似地狱! 1人感染全栋拖去集中营,3天要强行清零,民众跪地痛哭求饶,防疫极

西安饥民暴动,大量武警镇压!吃宠物吃盆栽,以物易物,西安人饥饿似地狱! 1人感染全栋拖去集中营,3天要强行清零,民众跪地痛哭求饶,防疫极



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