Lt. Col demands accountability from bosses

Will any one of our SAF regulars do that?

He should demand that the Secretary of Defense, chief of staff, CIA director, etc take responsibility and resign!

He has tendered his resignation.

Some notable excerpts:

Quote:“Stuart Scheller was my commanding officer during my last deployment. He was the kind of officer who always put his Marines first,” he said. “Naturally, we knew there’s no way he was ever going to make general with that kind of selfless leadership style.”

“He’s always been an infantry officer, meaning there’s a 100 percent guarantee that he has seen Marines get blown to pieces for absolutely no reason while the top brass advanced their careers with impunity despite their many failures,” said the Marine, who deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Everywhere is the same, people play politics to rise while those who just want to do a good job didn't.

He went on to ask if the secretary of defense or chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which includes the commandant, threw their rank on the table and said, “Hey, it’s a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, a strategic air base, before we evacuate everyone? Did anyone do that? And when you didn’t think to do that, did anyone raise their hand and say, ‘We completely messed this up.’”

I was thinking about this point too a few days back. Why don't US complete the evacuation of all civilians BEFORE evacuating the military and then the airfield?

US got lots of Ltc Col. Small issue.

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