Covid Resilience Ranking Singapore dropped to 19 from No1(April)

Ireland has taken the top spot this month, knocking Norway out of the lead, in Bloomberg's Covid Resilience Ranking. 

Ireland is now the leader of the pack when it comes to Bloomberg's monthly snapshot of the 53 European unions states' economies' performances during Covid containment. The markers for the monthly ranking include quality of healthcare, vaccination coverage, overall mortality, and progress towards restarting travel and easing border curbs

Bloomberg ranked Singapore No. 1 in April 2021 but in Sept,  Singapore plummeted to 19.

Implying Singapore govt poor response and control of Delta variant.

In the first place, Sinkiepore should never be placed...PAP is invincible, we are expendables

Today, Singapore is not the safest place on earth.

Even US Health authority ranked Singapore as "High Risk" area.

Who care as long many spot them for no accountability whatever spot also meaningless to us.

(27-10-2021, 08:27 AM)Cmpunk Wrote:  Who care as long many spot them for no accountability whatever spot also meaningless to us.
Selectively of choice, Singapore wants to be reported the No. 1 highest vaccinated country in the world.

But as you said, who cares

(26-10-2021, 07:38 PM)Scythian Wrote:  Bloomberg ranked Singapore No. 1 in April 2021 but in Sept,  Singapore plummeted to 19.

Implying Singapore govt poor response and control of Delta variant.

That is the result of confirmed high salary irrespective of results.


(27-10-2021, 10:18 AM)Gstalk Wrote:  That is the result of confirmed high salary irrespective of results.

More than 300 deaths whereas only 55 in Sept 2021

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