Covid vaccine: Could Pfizer have a disclaimer?

THE VERIFICATION - A French lawyer accuses the pharmaceutical giant of having cleared of any side effects linked to the vaccine, which Pfizer does not deny.

THE QUESTION. M e Eric Lanzarone, lawyer at the bar of Marseille, will file an appeal against Pfizer at the court of Evry. His client, a 13-year-old boy, lost his sight 5 days after receiving the first dose of the German vaccine. “ Legally, the case is very solid. The causal link is well and truly established between the injection and the 90% loss of vision", attests the lawyer, relying on an expert report from the AP-HP and the regional center of pharmacovigilance of the Cochin hospital in Paris.

But here it is: while preparing the file in August 2021, M e Lanzarone discovered, in the contract signed between the pharmaceutical company and the European Union posted online at the time - and which has since disappeared, a " irresponsibility ” for Pfizer. " To my great surprise, I see that the contract clears Pfizer of any side effects ", explains the guest lawyer of the JT of France 3 Provence-Alpes on Saturday January 29 . Pfizer allegedly negotiated with the Commission a…

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